Part 5

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For three days no word returned to the castle in which countessa Angelica now resided alone in.

Save for the servants and gardeners, Angelica felt very very alone within the foreign walls. And strangely she began to worry about the well being of this strange man who was her husband. In the course of that hour or so conversation they had shared, she had grown more attached to him then she realised.

A messenger arrived at sundown, telling her that the count had been badly wounded, to weak to move home. He asked if she along with his mother would come to the gates to pay him what could possibly be a last visit in the morning.

Fingers trembling she pulled her parchment out of her satchel.

"Please inform my mother in law." was all that she wrote.

She rushed into the kitchen where the servants were eating there evening meal.

They jumped up from the table in her presence, concerned over her alarmed expression.

It was difficult at first, for the servants to grow accustomed to a mistress who could only give orders through the written word. Since few of the servants actually knew how to read, this arose quite a dilemma.

"Your Master, My husband has been wounded in battle, He requests my presence and I must go to him immediately." Gerald, the head manservant read aloud the lady's rushed scrawl.

The servants shared gasps and worried looks. They held a lot of respect for their Master. Unlike most others, the Count was a kind, fair employer. Who paid a decent wage, never had them publicly whipped, and never forced himself onto any of the servant girls.

Adam, the head groomsmen, and among the few who could read, quickly stepped to the lady's side and bowed respectfully.

"What is it you need my Lady."

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