Part 6

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Anjelica asked that a horse be saddled and for her to be taken to the camp.

The servant didn't argue or protest about the lateness of the hour. He simply rushed to the stables.

She donned her red riding cloak and was helped aboard feather, A calm older grey horse who would be gentle to ride in darkness.

Bernard climbed onto his own steed, and grabbed hold of Feathers lead.

An hour of hard riding later and they reached the camp, only to be stopped by a soldier at the entrance.

"Sorry no Woman after dark, not even royals." He spoke with the rough accent of a southern farmboy.

The Woman did not budge.

"Soldier, though the Countessa is silent she is very strong of will. I ask that you kindly let her in or I fear she will jump her beast right over you."

"The silent Countess...." The guard mumbled to himself.

"Fair lady, are you by chance the wife of Count Benidict Asgard the third?"

She nodded.

"That man saved my brothers life today, along with many others. Probably killed himself in the process. With my respects, please come in tend to him." He bowed his head,stepping to the side.

The Girl smiled in thanks.

"He spoke of you, your Grace. Said he married an unspoken Angel. A lady whose lips could say nothing, but eyes spoke a thousand words. I see his description of your beauty was great truth."

Angelica blushed as she rode by.

Stepping inside the tent, felt herself go queasy at the sight. Her husband lay shirtless on his cot, a bloodsoaked bandage wrapped around his lower torso.

But she fought back the urge to heave and stepped to his side, she asked her groomsmen to help her remove the bloodstained cloth and clean the wound.

She gasped at the sight of it. A tiny incision, no longer an inch. how could something so small lose so much blood. But she soon realised it was not the length of the wound, but the depth. Benedict had been run through.

It was difficult to lift his limp unconscious body, to wrap a fresh bandage around it, but with Bernards help she accomplished it.

Just as she finished and had pulled a chair up beside his bed, He stirred.

"Has my Angel come to take me to heaven?" he whispered grabbing her hand, half conscious upon seeing her face.

She quickly squeezed droplets of water from a cloth into his mouth before he slipped back to sleep.

Bernard left to tend to the horses.

Hand still in his, utterly exhausted she fell asleep against side of his cot.

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