Part 10

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Benedict awoke to the sight of blonde curls laying delicately across his chest. Also pain, like the stinging prick of a thousand needles on his left side near his wound. But despite it, he dare not move, for the sight of his sleeping angel all wrapped up onto him helped take his mind off of it.

The maid knocked on the door with breakfast. The middle aged woman stepped inside with a steaming heap of various meats, breads and egg. The woman's eyes widened at the sight of the couple in the same bed.

Angelica awoke, rubbing her eyes, trying to figure out where exactly she was.

"No need for that worried look Margie, Nothing happened, My angel simply wished to watch over her wounded husband." He laughed, causing Anjelica to turn bright red.

The maid curtsies and turns to leave but Anjelica held up her hand, as if asking her to wait. She reached over to her satchel which was hung over the nearest bed post and pulled out her quill, scroll and ink. She quickly scribbled out a note and handed it to Margie.

The maid examined it with a furrowed brow before handing it apologetically back to the Countess. "Im sorry your Grace, but I cannot read."

The girl sighs, before handing it over to her husband and motioning towards the maid. "My wife asks if you could please bring up some fresh bandages and hot water." The count translates.

The maid gives the girl a strange look. "You wish to change his bandages?" Angelica just nodded in reply. "If that is what you wish." Margie gives the royals a curtsy and exits the room.
Angelica crosses her arms and shakes her head.

"That is so very kind of you darling. But you do not have to change my bandages. That's what I pay servants for." He says quietly, reaching for a piece of pork. Handing her the finest strip.

After taking a bite, She grabs her quill and scribbles a reply. "No, I want to. The servants have many tasks, It would make me feel somewhat useful in this gigantic castle."

"Really?" He asks curiously. "You wish to care for me?"

"Yes, and besides, I did vow to stay at your side, in sickness and in health."

This made the count smile. The loyalty of this woman was unfathomable. "Very well, if you insist. Though I am terribly sorry most of my staff cannot understand you. I could have them replaced with servants who do know how to read, but then I would be putting a lot of loyal, hardworking people out of a job."

She shook her head violently. Angelica would not have that on her conscious.

"Or I could hire a teacher, it would take a few weeks, but I'm sure my would be willing. Like myself they seem taken by you." He grins, causing her to blush profusely. But she nodded in agreement at this idea.

"It must be terribly frustrating for you though, To not be understood in this house, when you need to be?"

She sighed before picking up her quill again. "Not just in this house, all the time." She wrote. Even the simplest things, like wanting a cup of tea, or a change of shoes. It is very frustrating when you cannot be understood. I have this mouth that I cannot use. It's useless!"

Reading this made the count grin deviously. "Oh my dear, just because it cannot utter words, doesn't mean it cannot do other things." He smirks, grabbing her chin lightly with his fingers and leaning closer to her till he was just inches away and she could feel his warm breath on her face. "You can eat with it, and drink, lest we forget that beautiful smile your precious mouth can create." He leaned closer till his lips were less then a breath away and ran his thumb across her bottom lip. "Or most important of all, a kiss."

Angelica's heart is thumping loudly as He closes his eyes and leans in. But at that second their is a knock at the door. After placing a quick peck on her cheek "Enter." He calls.

It was Margie with a tray of bandages and hot water.

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