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Ariana walked, hand in hand with Caroline down the centre of the high school corridor. The Doppelganger had a look of awe written all over her features, her eyes glittered. The brunette was still very much connected to her older twin sister, Elena. But now that they had somewhat gotten used to it; they were able to walk around freely without feeling pain from separation. Though something extraordinary had happened over the past few days, since first seeing the bright light in the school gym, her vision had only improved and now, she could see many things, she was practically a seeing person, minus the blurriness which settled over everybody. Though that would likely be settled with glasses though they were waiting to see, if one day... She would be able to truly see. 

Ariana had a newfound, outrageous desire to explore the world now that she could truly see it. That was what lead her to the high school, even if that was only a small fragment of the earth and not something that people particularly enjoyed seeing, Ariana watched the world around her with an expression of awe, gobsmacked and speechless.

"Ca--- uh--- Caroline" Ariana whispered as they passed a window and the blonde looked down at her from where she had just got off the phone with Tyler. The vampire blinked as she was dragged backwards into the glare of the light once more and tears quickly filled the humans eyes as she looked at her lifelong friend. Ariana brought her hand upwards towards the girls head. The brunette softly placed her hand on the blondes cheek, smiling through tears. "You're so beautiful"

"You can see me?" The blonde wondered in shock and awe and Ariana nodded, tears leaking from her eyes and dribbling down her face before the cheerleader brought her short friend into a warming hug. 

"I am so glad that the first face I truly saw was yours Caroline. You've been my friend since we were born and you're the only one that truly understand--" she was cut off.

"You and Klaus?" the vampire wondered and her friend replied with a shy nod, blush on her cheeks. "You really like him?"

"So much Caroline" Ariana stated, eyes still teary, her brown orbs incapable of leaving her friends face, the first face she ever saw. The shadows were still fuzzy and unclear, as was Caroline's face but Ariana could see features, and colours, the blue of her eyes and the blonde of her hair which is something she never expected to see. 

"I mean, I can't say that I'm exactly thrilled about you and that asshole hybrid but I am glad that you have found someone that means this much to you. It's like the real life beauty and the beast, I can see the way he looks at you Ari" the blonde vampire smiled softly and once more, Ariana was shocked before she could witness it.

The peace and warmth of the sunlight was soon disrupted by the sound of wind whipping passed them and they spun around, Caroline taking the girls hands carefully, prepared to protect her if need be.

"Stay close" she was warned and she was not an idiot so she nodded along, she knew that the wind whipping passed could only be that of a vampire and she was also certain that she'd be no match for them what with her human status and less than perfect vision. "Hello? They must be gone" Caroline stated and the little brunette nodded, allowing the cheerleader to drag her into the gym which was in desperate need of tidying, one thing that Ariana was glad she couldn't perfectly see. 

However, she did see another blonde stood with a bin, the formerly blind girl was still learning colours, with the help of an over caring Stefan. The girl was stunning and when she turned, Ariana could see the roundness of her face and the darker colour of her lips.

"Where's matt?" Caroline wondered and the woman spoke.

"He bailed, got called into work at the last minute" she stated and Ariana blinked, finally realizing who this was.

"Rebekah" she whispered and stumbled toward her, looking at the fuzziness that made up her face at the current moment. Though it was still more than Ariana had ever previously been able to see. 

"Ariana... What?"

"I can see you" Ariana mumbled, eyes turning into slits as she looked at the blonde, tears spilled down her cheeks quickly, catching into her dimples as she beamed. 

"You can--- What? I don't--" Rebekah stumbled and Ariana laughed gently.

"We will explain that later" Caroline informed, pointing between them. "Are you seriously telling me that everyone bailed? It's only us?"

"Yes and you're late" Rebekah smirked as she held the brunette girls hands softly, looking at her eyes in awe that the brunette could now actually see her. "Clean-up committee started at 8"

"It's like 8:02"  Caroline pointed out.

"Exactly." Rebekah released Ariana, putting the matter to bed for the moment as she turned to face the other blonde who could easily pass as her sister. "I turned up on time and I didn't even get to attend the dance that I organized." Rebekah smirked.

"It was overrated" Ariana promised with her adorable dimpled smile and Rebekah snorted.

"I'm sorry about your mom" Caroline informed, thinking about it. "I mean, I know you, like, hated her, and everything, but still... I'm sorry."

"Sorry about your teacher" Rebekah stated and Ariana smiled softly, sadly as she looked down at the ground, her eyes slightly wettened. Everything was so incredibly overwhelming for Ariana at the moment, the sudden burst of light, shapes and colours coupled with the death of yet another guardian of the Gilberts. "He seemed like a nice guy."

"Yeah, he was" Caroline replied and looked over at Ariana who was currently inspecting her hands, they were held close to her eyes which were screwed up as she looked at them, truly seeing them for the first time. Everything around her fascinated her now and Caroline found it utterly adorable and secretly (Despite everyone's aversion to him) she couldn't wait for Ariana to finally see the face of Niklaus Mikaelson. Despite what everyone said, he truly was stunningly handsome though Caroline would never admit that... 

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