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Darkness surrounded me, I slowly opened my eyes to reveal a blank nothingness. I sat up in suspicion, wasn't there supposed to me something? I scanned the area looking for some sort of life, in the South there was a large volcano, the sky's were red like blood from the lava. To the east a large clear blue lake lay, the beautiful sunset reflected off of the lake. But surrounding me was nothing.

I slowly stood up, my legs felt clumsy and sleepy. I began to walk towards the lake because it felt more appealing than the large volcano, but then I felt a sudden urge to walk towards the volcano. I turned around but behind me was a patch of green and a beautiful blue, Flower, I said in my head. I had never heard or seen one in my life, but it felt right to call it that.

I began to run through a field full of them, then a large one appeared in front of me, but it had several blue flowers on it, and it's steam wasn't green, it was brown, a Tree...... I thought. Then two beautiful women appeared around me.

They cautiously watched me and studied me. Being really annoyed at them I crossed my arms. The women sighed in frustration. One of them was dressed in different reds and whites, she had blood orange hair and Red lava colored eyes. She glared at me suspiciously.

The other girl was in a calmer mood, she wore different shades of blue instead. She had dark ocean colored hair, and sapphire eyes. She smiled at me warmly. Both of the women had long elf like ears and necklaces with different symbols on them.

The fire girl had a symbol that seemed to be carved into the side of the large volcano off into the distance, and the other girl had a symbol that looked like they belonged to the sea. They both looked at each other and nodded their heads in sync. Then the water colored girl created a water like mirror. I looked into it in curiosity, my reflection reflected back at me.

I had long bright green hair with light blue tips and sky blue eyes. I wore a long dress that was white and green and a necklace like the other two girls. I store at them in suspicion, but the fire girl just shrugged.

"I'm Din by the way, and this is Nayru.... I'm the goddess of power and she's the goddess of wisdom...." She started, I nodded my head in response, "And Hylia, the goddess of light told us that you would be our new sister and that your name were to be Farore..... Welcome, goddess of Courage......." She said, my heart sank, did she just say Goddess?

Legend Of Zelda: Farore's CourageWhere stories live. Discover now