chapter 2//ramen and 1st degree burns

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As the female slept, five of the six boys surrounded around her tilted their heads to the side. They were all so utterly confused.

Haruhi sighed in annoyance as she sensed the males behind her. She kneeled down next to her friend and examined her features. She never really payed much attention to her appearence when they were outside.

Hanayo had bags that were forming underneath her closed eyelids. Most likely from sleep deprivation which Haruhi was already aware of from previous chats. She also found a couple bruise marks scattered across her arms, most likely from being so fragile though.

She was always getting bruised! Hanayo could accidentally hit her arm on a table and she would bruise. Haruhi chuckled at the thought. Her fingers danced across the blue and purple dots but stopped when her friend visibly flinched in her sleep. She withdrew her hand and tucked the covers around the small girl.

Haruhi stood and was about to leave for the kitchen to make some instant ramen and some Assam and Ceylon tea for Hanayo, when she heard low talking coming from behind her.

"What are you guys still doing here?" Haruhi questioned. She turned her head to look at them all with a blank stare.

Tamaki was the first to answer, over-dramatically of course. "Why dear princess! It has just been so long since we've all seen you, so why not come and visit?"

Haruhi sweat dropped and dragged her hand down her angered features. "Senpai, it's only been one day since we left for winter break."

Tamaki said something back but Haruhi continued with her original task and tuned all of them out.

When she had returned with a steaming bowl of ramen and a nice warm cup of tea, she found Hanayo stirring slightly in her sleep. Her movements were then followed by what seemed to be an annoyed groan and Haruhi heard the slightest rumble of what sounded like her stomach. She giggled and knelt down close to her friend.

Hanayo, being a light sleeper, turned her head to the smell of food and tea. She sniffed once, twice, and then a third to be sure she wasn't being mistaken, before slowly sitting up and opening her eyes.

The host club silently sat in awe at Haruhi's way of waking the girl up. Any other time Haruhi wouldn't give a damn about how someone woke up.

"Nng... Is... Is that.. food?" Hanayo tiredly squinted her eyes and rubbed her arm.

"I don't know. Why don't you find out?" Haruhi teased her.

There was another groan in protest before she opened her eyes, completely showing the bright emerald green orbs Haruhi had come to love.

Hanayo reached a hand outwards and let a small yawn break through her pale lips. Her finger slid around the tea cup before dipping into the liquid. Finding it was warm, she quickly took the cup and brought it to her lips.

"Yum," Hanayo moaned in delight.

Hanayo smiled and sighed while pulling the cup down from her lips. She looked back up to thank Haruhi, but she stopped when six boys, might she add handsome, looked at her with gentle smiles. Her eyes widened and the tea cup in her hand began to shake. Haruhi took notice and quickly took the cup from her hands.

"Ayo-Chan.. This is the host club," Haruhi pointed towards the boys.

"A-Ah...," Hanayo looked towards Haruhi's room and back towards the boys.

She did this a couple times before she grabbed the ramen off the tray Haruhi held and tried to make a dash for it.

"AYO-CHAN!! No!" Haruhi tried desperately to grab at her but could only reach her leg, so she pulled.

Now Hanayo, being quite the clumsy one, tripped over Haruhi's hand. This resulted quite badly. The ramen Hanayo held was now spread across the tallest blonde's face.

A look of horrification crossed Hanayo's features as she realized that the ramen was one; all over this unidentified man's face, and two; that the ramen was steaming hot.

Hanayo stopped and froze to look up at the male's reaction. It seemed to take him a minute before quite a girlish scream escaped his lips and he frantically wiped the noodles off. Scared to see what would happen next.

Hanayo looked down with a pained expression. How could she be so stupid?!

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