chapter 3//glasses

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Hanayo froze. Haruhi looked up with an apologetic look from the floor. Did she really just ruin Hanayo's chances for making friends? I mean how could she act so selfishly.

Inside the quiet brain of Hanayo, thoughts flew passed her closed eyes so quickly she got a bit dizzy. 'No,' she thought, 'I have to do something. I can't stand and do nothing anymore!' Hanayo wiggled her foot from Haruhi's grasp and made her way to the kitchen. She grabbed a white rag and ran some cold water over it. When she thought it was cold enough, she found the male she had burned and held his burning face in her cold fingers.

Tamaki seemed to sigh in relief. He opened his eyes and looked down at the short female. He couldn't see her eyes though, her blonde hair covered them. Tamaki frowned a bit but didn't move. Hanayo brought the rag to the blonde's face and looked up at him with a determined look. Her green eyes held tiny tears. Tamaki gaped. Never in his seventeen years had he seen such beautiful eyes.

A light blush dusted his pale cheeks as Hanayo continued to dab the cool rag in places the hot noodles hit. Hanayo sniffled a little and scrunched her nose. Her brows furrowed a bit more. She couldn't quite reach his forehead. Hanayo then made the brave decision to stand on her tiptoes, which coincidentally, brought her even closer to the stranger's face.

"M-My name is Hanayo.. Hanayo Chiko. Who are you, may I ask?" She spoke in what was almost a whisper and was surprised when the blonde answered back in equal tone.

"Tamaki Suoh," he answered rather quickly, for a light blush had already taken place, and he secretly hoped that the short female couldn't tell what it was apart from the mild burns.

Hanayo giggled lightly and stood normally again. She took a deep breath and held out a shaky hand towards him.

"It's.. It's a pleasure to meet you Suoh Senpai!"

Tamaki was a bit taken back. A charming smile eventually made it's way to his features and he put his hand in hers while his other took a place on the top of her head, ruffling her hair slightly.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, too, Hanayo."


After everyone settled down into the comfort of Haruhi's small apartment, they all, finally, learned each others names. Hanayo ended up smiling a lot more than what she thought she would.

She wasn't exactly good with new people.

Tamaki, who had surprisingly sat next to Hanayo, stayed quiet. His mind was going a million miles per hour at the moment, and he couldn't seem to focus on one thing for too long.

"-And then he woke me up crying and asking if he could sleep with me!" The more dominant twin (which Hanayo had decided to call ATwin cause she honestly could not tell them apart) finished with a laugh.

The other twin, (BTwin) curled himself into what she decided to call a human body ball.

"Hikaru! I told you not to tell anyone about that!"

"I'm sorry, but brother, I just couldn't help but tell our new princess about how cute you looked."

"Incest," Hanayo mumbled incoherently under her breath.

As she said this, the twins held each other lovingly and continued their little show while everyone else kept their eyes elsewhere. Hanayo bit her lip as a deep blush began to cascade across her features. She's read fan fictions like this before! Oh, but Hanayo forgot her glasses back at her place. So literally everything she thought she saw, was the complete opposite. She saw two blobs of orange in which she believed one was female and the other male. Reflecting on voices.

Her blush darkened ever the more when Haruhi called out in the midst of her daydreaming.

"Ayo-chan. Where are your glasses?"

The talking from the twins ceased as all eyes turned to her. And for the second time that day, a package of anxiety arrived at her door.

"Uh-hm, at m-my house, Haru-kun," using formalities wasn't exactly on her favorite-things-to-do list, but she didn't know how the people surrounding her would think if she didn't.

They really did not give a shit.

Haruhi nodded and sighed. "Would you like me to go get them? Or would you rather come with me?"

"Yes! Yes..! I'll come with you," Hanayo answered a bit too hopefully and stood hoisting a finger in the air. "T-To my house!"


"I did not think we were all coming," Hanayo faced her door and held the keys shakily in her right hand.

The ring of keys she held in her right hand began to make little jingly noises. She finally picked the right key and shoved it into the key hole and turned the door knob. The door swung open with a little squeak and Hanayo inwardly cringed. Talk about embarrassing. She welcomed them into her small apartment and made them all stay in the living room as she went to retrieve her glasses.

She made it back to her room and stumbled to her bed side desk. Her small fingers traveled desperately around the top.

"Ha!" a quiet victory ensued as she slid her glasses onto her nose.

Hanayo closed her eyes and opened them. A sigh exited out her pink lips and she made her way back to the living room with a confident spirit. She walked in with her eyes closed, excited to see her new friends.

"H-Hey guys I'm ba- Oh," she stopped mid sentence and stood staring at all the boys who stared back at her, "Oh," she repeated again.

Haruhi waved. Hanayo stood with a blank look. So, this is what they look like.

She raised a single finger towards the twins who were both BOYS and said in a rather steady voice, "Where... Where is the girl?"

"Girl?" they both questioned with a tilt of the head and returning her blank stare.

"Yes, or do one of you just have a high voice?"

Kaoru blushed heavily and scratched the back of his neck while his brother started to laugh hysterically.

"She! She said you sound like a GIRL! HAHA!" Hikaru's laughs began to get frantic as he grasped his stomach.

Hanayo placed her hand back at her side and also began to blush, "S-Sorry,"

Haruhi snickered quietly and Kyouya smirked.

As the laughing continued, Hanayo began to feel horrid about what she had said about Kaoru. So she made the decision to make it up to him. She walked towards him, then dove down to wrap her arms around his neck in a hug. He froze and awkwardly put his hands around her waist.

"What are you doing Hana-san?"

"I apologize!! You don't sound like a girl at all I promise! If anything your voice sounds like a very attractive male!!"

The room went silent. Kaoru's eyes became wide and once the realization hit, his face created quite the devilish smirk. He turned his head slowly to his brother and flipped him the bird. Hikaru only sat with his mouth wide.

"Close your mouth Hikaru, you might catch a fly."


See you next timeeee!

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