New me. [3]

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A/N: I forgot to say, probably should've said this earlier but, " " will mean someone is speaking and ' ' is used for thoughts.

It was about 9 am when the greenette had awoke. Izuku putt his feet on the cold wooden floor and pushed himself up off the bed with a groan. He wasn't able to get much sleep due to nightmares that woke him up in a pool of sweat.

Midoriya left to the bathroom to get ready for who knows what. He just wanted to look around today and get to know more people. He pulled out a brush and tried to tame his unruly hair, but like always, he lost that battle and gave up.

There was suddenly a loud "Thump!" noise downstairs and Izuku hurried to it. What he saw had made him stop in his tracks, it was a young blond girl simply carrying a body like it was nothing. "U-Um hi?" He smiled sheepishly and next well..all he could think was 'Fuck me and my fucking life.'

To Tomura...

Tomura had woken up to a sudden scream, jolting awake from his bed. Handy-man rolled his neck and stretched and then dashed out of the room to where the screams were heard.

What he saw was a young psychotic looking blond girl holding a knife directly to Midoriya's neck. "TOGA LEAVE THE KID ALONE DAMNIT, HE'S OUR NEW MEMBER!"

"Awww!~ But he looks so cute! I wonder how he would look if he was bleeding!~" Toga began squealing from excitement and Midoriya had looked at Tomura giving the 'Please help me' look.

"Toga, put. him. down."

"Ughh! Fine Mr. I-have-a-hand-up-my-ass!" With that the maniac backed away and pouted as Izuku ran over to hide behind Tomura.

"Well then, thanks for ruining my peaceful sleep, but since we are awake I'd like to give you some good news Mido- Deku."

"What is it?"

"We can help you with your quirkless problem. Though it may hurt a bi- no a lot. We can get you a quirk that would fit you, would yo-"

"YES!" Deku jumped up in excitement and then realized his sudden outburst and sheepishly smiled. "I-I mean yes, of course."

Tomura couldn't help but smile at the younger, even though it was hidden behind the hand on his face. "Alright, follow me. Toga if anyone ask where we are tell them we are busy and to not disturb. Kurogiri come with me."

Toga nodded and skipped away in a childish manner as the three went into another room. Midoriya's eyes widened a bit and his body was all jumpy due to his excitement.

The room that they were in had dark oak flooring along with some shelving and a few desk filled with scattered papers. On some of the shelves, they contained different tubes and containers holding who knows what.

"Ok, sit down kid. Me and Kurogiri have to find the right quirk for you, it may take a while. So be patient."

"Ok!" He plopped into the chair and spun around. While he was doing this, Kurogiri and Tomura were searching through the different quirks they could give him. All you could really hear from them was 'What about this?' 'No, no' 'What even is this one?' 'Maybe' and the rest was just chatter.

About an hour had passed when Tomura yelled "GOT IT!" causing Izuku to jump and fall out of his chair. It was hard for Kurogiri and Tomura to contain their laughter as you could hear a few snickers. "It's not funnyyyyy! It hurt!" The greenette pouted, crossing his arms like a baby.

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