The Dark Cave

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Colt was out of conciousness, but started to come back to himself. He'd now be tied together with Bull, and they sat in the middle of a dark cave. "Bull? You awake?" Colt whispered. "Where are we, for gods sake?" Colt tried to get the rope off. "I don't know, I guess in a cave." Bull anwsered. "Yeah Obviously-" Colt replied, when suddenly another voice was heard.

"Well hello brawlers. What a nice thing seeing you here." The voice sounded familiar. It was a, dark but goofy voice.. Colt tried to figure out who it was while it was speaking. "How's the life without me in town huh? Pretty boring? Or more fun?" It laughed, and jumped down from the rocks it was standing on. It was now standing in a light flash.

It was Mortis. He got abandoned out of Brawl Ville a couple of months ago. He threathened to kill Leon after he lost a showdown match against him. I mean, seemed pretty fair to abandon him. 

Mortis had his shovel in hand, and his cape was flowing on the light breeze of air that hung in the cave. "Why would you take us? Why would you even do this!" Colt said anxiously, as he was still struggling with the ropes.

"Why not? I mean, YOU GUYS wanted to abandon me in the first place. Seems fair to take you back to me." Mortis grinned, as he swinged his shovel towards Colt. "Now, You better be nice and get me back there, or Things will happen to you're pretty face." Mortis treathened to Colt, as Bull seemed to get more and more annoyed by him. "Just let us go, and nothing will happen." Bull groaned.

"I dunno, might as well KILL you guys too!" Mortis laughed histarically, and swung his shovel around like a maniac. As he did that, he accidentally cut the rope that was holding them together. They both jumped up, and pinned Mortis to the ground. Colt his legs, and Bull his arms. "No escape now Mortis. We have to take you out. It's for the best." Bull said, pulling out his gun. Mortis grinned, and Colt noticed a rocket flying towards Bull. "BULL WATCH OUT! GET OFF HIM!" Colt jumped on him, and they both jumped out of the way. Mortis saw the rocket, and his eyes widened; "Mommy?.." he shrieked, as the rocket crashed onto him.

"We did it.. WE DID IT!" Colt yelled out of victory, as he was laying ride beside Bull. Bull looked at Colt, as he sighed. "Yeah.. Yeah we did.." he said as Colt looked at him. "Bull, you're way nicer then I thought. Really sweet, to be honest." Colt said with his cheeks flushing red. Bull seemed shocked by the comment, and turned to Colt. "You know what? Thanks man." Bull suddenlt hugged Colt, and sighed. "You're kind of the only person that's even nice to me.." Bull said in a sad tone. Colt hugged him back, and looked at him. "Don't think about others. Think about the ones you care about!" Colt smiled, and sighed afterwards. Bull seemed to think.

Bull's POV; Should I..? I don't know..

Colt noticed the expression on his face, and frowned. "Something up?" Bull was quiet, and suddenly kissed Colt. He was now as red as a tomato, and was a bit shocked of the action. Bull pulled back, and looked away. "U-Uh.. Sorry about that.." he said quietly. "..I-It's alright.." Colt replied with a stutter. "Let's go back.. They are probably worried about us." Colt stood up, and took Bull's hand. They both walked out of the cave, and ran back to the Town. Little did they know, the robots we're still active.

To be continued..

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