Cafeteria fight.....

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Cassie's P.O.V.

I woked up by my phone ringing and it was my alarm. I broke my last one cause it was so annoying. I got up went to the bathroom and took a quick shower. I got out dried myself and went to my closet to see what I'm going to wear. I decided to wear my black high waisted jeans, a red shirt and my black combat boots. I put my hair into a neat bun and I did light make up today.. I grabbed my backpack and my phone when I saw that I had a text message from Lou.

From: Lou


Hey love I'm outside your house" <3

I smiled at the text and then when outside and I saw him leaning on his car. I saw what he was wearing and it was a black shirt,leather jacket, black skinny jeans and black vans. He dressed all black. I went towards his car and he smiled when he looked at me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me. I kissed back and I played with the end of his hair cause it's soft. We pulled away and I smiled at him. We got in his car and droved to school.

15 minutes later..

Louis parked the car and we got out and started walking to the doors. Everybody was looking at us. I really don't know why they were staring but I just ignored it. When we got inside the building we went to my locker and I got my books that I needed for my first three periods. After I got my books we went to Louis locker. The bell rang and we went to our first period.Today we are learning about the civil war but I wasn't paying attention to that cause I was looking at Louis.
*Three periods later*
It was already lunch time and I was waiting at my locker for Louis.I was playing around with my necklace when I heard footsteps coming.I looked up and it was Louis, I smiled and I waved a little. He came and kissed my cheek and we went to lunch. We went to out table and started to talk. I told him that I was going to the bathroom and he said ok. I went to the bathroom and did my business, after I was finished I went outside and saw people going around the table I was at. I ran to see what was happening and it was Louis and Brandon the football jock fighting. I grabbed Louis off of Brandon and punched Brandon in the jaw and he was out cold. Everybody was shocked,it was so quiet until someone yelled 'GO CASSIE' and everybody else started to clap. I turned around to see Louis and he had a bloody nose and some cuts on his face.
"Come on let's get you to the nurse." I told him and he nodded. We walked to the nurse and told her what happened. She cleaned him all up and then we went back to our lockers cause were skipping school for the rest of the day.

20 minutes after
We we army house and I was changing into some shorts and a baggy shirt. I went downstairs and started to cuddle with Louis and watch Netflix.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2015 ⏰

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