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"Hey namjoon wake up" Jin says as he shakes the other "NAMJOON WAKE UP! " the blonde yells at the younger.

"W....what where am I "." My house,  are you hungry" the elder says as he walks into the kitchen. "Nah " Bubble ( what sound dose a  stomach make?)

"Your stomach says other wise" The blonde says to the peach haired boy as he walks in with a plate with eggs on it "eat now I'll be taking you back to your house later joon ".

" Why hyung, why can't I stay longer"joon says slightly muffled due to his mouth being stuffed with eggs. "I have.......... stuff to do plus its already 5 pm you slept the whole day it will be getting dark soon "." B.. but what about my father "jins body tenses at the question.

" Nothing he was killed by the guy that broke in last night, are you done yet joon".jin says as he finds his keys"y.. ya"the younger says as he puts his plate in the sink and follows jin out the door.

(Btw joon is gonna be the maknae) 

"Alright their should be food in the fridge and I called jimin and hobi to look after you they should be here later and DO NOT LET ANYONE IN jimin and hoseok have a key so keep the door locked got it " "Yes eomma" Namjoon says in a mocking tone. "BRAT RESPECT YOUR ELDERS " Jin screams as he drives off

Namjoon walks up to his door to find it unlocked as he walks in and to his surprise it is spotless 100% clean as can be "wow did hyung do all this" Knock knock "joonie open up it hoseok and jimin" The outsiders yell.

Well that was early namjoon mumbles to him self as he opens the door to reveal a happy hobi and a smiling jimin with a pizza in his hands, but namjoon sees a third person

"H.. Hey hobi who's that behind you" The tallest says as he points to a man taller then both jimin and hoseok in all black looking at the ground.

"Hmm.. Oh that taehyung he's a friend jimin right jimin" The red head says as he nudges his smaller friend. "Ya I met him the other day at the flower shop I work at he seems  really nice so I figured why not bring him "

"Ahh ok well come In side " Namjoon says as he opens the door wider for all 3 of his guests to come in side.

I didn't know where to stop it 
So I stopped it here I will probably
Post another chapter later
Bye lovely have a great day/night

Also question what do you think Jin has to do??

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