Episode 19: Mantras for Madmen

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Author's Note:

As you know, or may not know, I'm struggling with a lot right now and trying to update this story on a regular basis has really become a challenge for me. Mentally. But I AM doing my best to write what I can when the inspiration strikes me. But for now, I hope that you are enjoying the changes to the story I have made so far.

Thank you all so much, sincerely, for being so patient and understanding with everything that has been going on lately. I know I post rarely but knowing that I have amazing fans and friends that support me is something that gratitude cannot express. At least, not enough. 

You are ALL beautiful people and I hope that none of you forget that.


Episode 19: Mantras for Madmen

Just below San Diego

Tijuana, land of broken dreams

Senoritas dancing in the moonlight

Flashing spanish dark eyes to everyone, it seems

Unknown POV:

My eyes followed him as he laughed and floated about the room. He was serving his customers with that impeccable smile on his face-- one that I would never get enough of. I took a sip of my beer and continued to watch him through my lashes. The last thing I wanted was to attract too much attention to myself.

Mark wasn't supposed to know I was here.

He probably wouldn't like it if I was here. But here I was, anyway, in the bar he worked at watching his every move. It was everything I could do not to get up and say hello... among other things. There was too much on the line. I spent too much time, too much effort to find him, for this whole operation to be undermined by my own feelings. Feelings that have never ceased plaguing me since the first time I saw him. 

Mark and I were close for a long time. We did everything together and I'm sure he loved me. But he wouldn't tell me enough. Never enough. He hardly said it and it felt like he never loved me at all. And that's why I had to leave. It was the biggest mistake of my life. But he never showed how much he loved me, if that's what it was. He gave me everything but nothing all at once. All the material stuff and the words, but never what mattered... never what I wanted. And I wanted all of what he could give me. 

I regretted not meeting him down at the church. 

But I had to have him nonetheless. So I would wait patiently, bide my time until the right time would present itself. He would be mine and there was nothing that would stand in my way. Not even that girlfriend of his, Sarah. She would be taken care of soon enough. 


Author's Note:


I know that this is a short chapter but I needed a little something from the plotline thrown into the mix among all this silly happy stuff. 

Who do you think this is and how do you think they will try to get rid of Sarah?

Thanks once again for your amazing support! This story would be nothing without your loving support, and nor would I. So, as always, I will see YOU... in the next episode! *waves frantically* BYE BYE!


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