Episode 16: The Home Coming

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This Episode is dedicated to my partner in crime: Billy Bob Joe Bob. As many of you may or may not know (pending on whether or not you've read my previous Author's Notes) Billy Bob has helped me with quite a few chapters in this story. He writes Mark's POV whenever he can, as I am a woman and although I do have a good understanding of guys, I am not one. Better to have a male on the team to see what I can learn to further develop my writing skills :) 

Anyway, the reason why this is dedicated to him is because he's always gone out of his way to help me. Whether it be because I'm going through a rough time or because I am stuck on a chapter with little to no will to write. This is dedicated to him because, more often than naught, I write a part of a chapter, send it to him and ask him to write something up without any further instruction. And he surprises me every time: He comes up with something GENERALLY AWESOME every single time, without fail. And, I'll admit, I laugh my butt off almost every time. 

This is dedicated to him for all the EARLY morning conversations, including that one where he texted me at 5 in the morning and we stayed up for a few hours talking to each other. That was a great morning. 

This is dedicated to Billy Bob because he's in the dumps right now. He hasnt spoken to me in a while and something is up, I don't know what. But I hope this chapter puts a bit of a smile on his face and knows that he's loved. I hope this chapter gets him through the day.

Thanks Billy Bob Joe Bob! This story would be nothing without you.


Hello my loverly friends and followers/fans,

this is the THIRD part of the three update series that I have done thus far. Afterwards, I need to take a break from writing to get some ideas down and finally get along with the story. The three chapters that I have posted are very important to the story, no matter how insignificant they may seem. As I have said before, everything that an Author puts into their story is important. There isn't a detail that wasn't place there by coincidence-- most of the time, everything is planed and calculated carefully. 

I hope ALL of you reading this now has enjoyed the story so far, as well the three part update! 

I love you ALL! You guys seriously mean the world to me. If it weren't for you lot, I wouldn't be writing. You inspire me to continue on with my stories. Seriously, if I didn't have such lovely followers and friend out there, I wouldn't be here. You're all special to me :) 

Anyway, enough with the slobbery stuff!

Enjoy your read!

Happy reading and writing,


Episode 16: The Home Coming

Sarah was fine by the time I woke up. She didn't wake again during the night and it was a huge relief. Whatever it was that happened in her beautiful head, I never wanted to see her in that much pain again.

When I opened my eyes at first light, Sarah was snuggled up to my side. My arms were drapped lazily around her. I couldn't feel my right arm-- it was caught underneath her. (Ladies, you must appreciate the pain us guys go through to make you comfortable)! When I finally managed to worm out from under her, I sat up, threw my legs over the side of the bed and shook my arm to get some feeling back into it.

"Ugh! Pins and Needles!" I whisper-yelled, unintentionally quoting Despicable Me 2. 

Sarah woke up, smiling tiredly. She stretched and yawned. "Morning, Gru. Did Lucy kidnap you again?"

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