Episode 8: The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea {clean}

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Someone once asked me what the hardest part about writing a story was… and I think I finally I have that answer. I think that the hardest part is having infinite possibilities and paths your characters could take and to decide whether or not the path you set them on is the right one, especially at a crucial moment in their lives or the plot. To kiss or not to kiss. To leave or to stay.

My advice for this is to not think about what you’re writing and just go with the flow. Your characters will tell you when the time is right.

~Sandra Clegane (Elise B-H)

Episode 8: The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea

Storms are beautiful—a beautiful force of nature that can cause destruction. But with destruction comes the renewal of life. Sometimes the worst part of the storm can be a safe haven, like an eye of a hurricane. It posed no threat and gave you a glimpse of what was still beautiful and good on this Earth. I wouldn’t have made it through these past few weeks without Mark’s help, especially after the beating I had taken. It goes to show that there’s almost always a silver lining in every situation.

Now that Mark was back, I wasn’t going to let him go—not again. My storm may not be over yet but I couldn’t have been any happier or more grateful knowing that he would be there to help me weather it out. I would do the same for him when it was all said and done.

We were standing in the hallway hugging each other without saying anything. Our actions spoke volumes, however, and relayed more than any of our words could ever say. The embrace conveyed one simple message: ‘I missed you and I’m sorry for what happened’. The feeling was mutual.

Although I had every right to freak the heck out, part of me thinks that the situation could have been handled a lot better. Lying to Mark for a month wasn’t the right things to do. We could have worked something out from the beginning. Maybe he wouldn’t have minded as much had I been honest… but part of me wondered if that was entirely true. He was very unstable when we first met and there’s a good chance he still is. If it wasn’t for the bond we formed, I wouldn’t be standing here with his arms wrapped securely around me. Still, it had been wrong to lie.

I pulled away the slightest bit just so I could look him straight in the eye. “I’m sorry I lied… and that I kept to myself.”

Mark was quiet for a moment, always contemplative. He looked away from me for a moment and stared something behind me. “You know,” he began after the momentary lapse in silence, “I’ve been doing a lot of thinking since we last spoke and I think I’m fine with it. You never once made a go at me or hinted you wanted anything ‘fame related’ in return for your help. As they say, your actions speak a thousand words and I know now that you’re not a Sophie—you’re Sarah, the girl who… the girl who changed me. All I ask is the time to adjust to knowing that you know.”

I smiled tearfully. “Take all the time you need; I’m not going anywhere fast.”

“Come here, you.” Mark enveloped me in another hug. My smile grew wider and I breathed in his familiar scent. This time, however, it was laced with the stench of something charred. The food was burning.

“Um, Mark?”


“I think you’re burning something,” I said with a mischievous grin.

“Mother of sweet baby Jeezus!” He shoved me aside and ran for the BBQ. A grin spread across my face as he began yelling profanities at the burning pieces of meat. While he was busy dealing with that, I made my way over to the stove to see what was a cookin’! I removed the lid from the solitary pot and found potatoes churning happily in the boiling water. They appeared to be fully cooked so I took the liberty to finish them off. I gloved my hands and carefully used the pot’s lid to drain the water into the sink. No potatoes were sacrificed to the kitchen gods.

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