Chapter Six

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Harry's POV

We fell asleep in my bed together, but she was all the way on the other side. I have a pretty big bed. She slept as far away as possible, well it's what it seemed like.

Today I get to take her out tonight. But right now, we have sound check, I don't know whether I should wake her up or let her sleep. I'll just leave her a note and then go. It last for about two hours and it's ten so she should be up soon.

I get dressed and then I go and get a pen and paper. I write;

Hey I am at sound check, if you want to go there will be a car to get you, just type in this number and call it. Remember tonight! I'm taking you somewhere special, love.


- H.

That couldn't have been anymore Cheesier. But I'm Harry Styles, I am cheesy.

I finally leave after watching Mia sleep, she is adorable and cute when she's asleep.

Mia's POV

I awoke and found a note on the dining table. He must've left ten or so minutes ago.. There was a number on it, so I typed it in on my phone and waited for whoever it was to answer..

"Hello?", I called into the phone.

"Oh hello, is this mrs. Styles?" The man called into the phone, harry must of said that as my last name, should I say yes, or correct him?

"Yes this is.. Is this the person taking me to their sound check?"

"Yes ma'am it is, we will be there in a couple minutes!", he said cheerfully.

I got dressed and put my hair in a messy bun, it looked nice, and it looked a bit messy at the same time.

They arrived a bit after I finished my hair, so I didn't have to wait too long for them.


Harry's POV

She came. I didn't think she would. I though she'd leave or stay at my house. But she came! She really came! Why am I so excited by this?

I walked over to her and embraced her in a hug. I kissed the top of her head and said,

"Hey love, how'd you sleep?"

"I slept alright..", she responded.

"HARRY! Get in the sound box! Your turn to record!", Catty yelled at me.





"Alright love, you can sit

On the couch over there if you'd like, but I gotta split, see ya in a sec." I winked at her and walked to the woman calling my name.

"Get in there already! You've taken forever in the day!"

"Okay, okay I'm going! Jeez."

I got in and she played Live While We're Young, and I sang my part,

Let's go crazy, crazy cray

Till we see the sun!

I know we only met but let's

Pretend it's love!

And never, never, never stop

For anyone, tonight lets get

Some and live while we're



As I waited for my part, I tapped my foot to the beat.

Time to sing,

And live while we're young!


Let's go crazy, crazy, crazy till

We see the sun, I know we've

Only met but let's pretend it's

Love. And never ever stop for

Any one, tonight lets get some

And live while we're young!

Wanna live while we're young!

Tonight lets get some and live

While we're young!


I continued with the song, until it was over.

Mia's POV

He sounded amazing. Lord help me, I'm falling to hard for this boy, when I shouldn't be.

Oh look at the time.... I gotta go.



What do you think is gonna happen? Omgggg I can't wait lol wow sorry about the slow updates! I'll try harder!! (:

- Hayley

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