Our song - Ray

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Ray X Reader
Fluff ( Maybe a little angst? )

The music Isabella was humming/singing while Ray was still a fetus was created by Leslie.

Since Ray remember things since he was a fetus he kept on humming that beautiful song.

I changed some stuff

(They're like 4 or something )

Y/N followed the source of the music she liked it, it was very soothing and peaceful the sound of the humming was getting louder.

She sneakily made her way trying not to make a single noise she climbed up the tree steadily making sure not to make a sound or fall.

Thanks to her ability she did it without a flaw, Y/N was an athletic kid so it was no problem for her she might've rivaled Emma's flexibility she looked down and saw Ray humming while he was reading.

"Hey,that's a very nice song you got there" Y/N poped her head scaring Ray to death Ray let out a small shriek.

Ray placed his tiny hands to his chest "Y-you scared m-me Y/N" Y/N ploped down and sat next to Ray.

"Well where did you get the song from?" Y/N asked looking and Ray smilling like an adorable idiot Ray cracked a smile back.

"That's a secret" Ray giggled while Y/N pouted "No fairrr" Y/N whined "I really love that song too and I love your humming it's very nice"
Y/N complimented.

Ray blushed "N-no way you like my humming?" Y/N giggled "Yup! I want to learn the song wait no I want to memorise it so we can sing it together!" Y/N chirped putting her hands in the air.

Ray sighed but hummed anyways Y/N hugged her knees looking at Ray with admiration and a smile on her lips.

-Time skip- ( 11 year old now )

Y/N have finally memorised that song she hummed it most of the time what ever she was doing she hummed it everywhere and anytime.

What made her suspicious is that Isabella gave her a very scared face when she heard Y/N hum that song.

She asked Isabella questions about the song once she knew that Isabella was the one who taught ( not really ) Ray the song she even knew the tittle to it.

Y/N fell in love with the song and she also fell in love with the boy who teacher her the song that special song.

And there she is Y/N sneakily climbing up a tree trying to scare Ray who's silently humming that melody.

"Boo!" Y/N scared Ray by popping out of the leaves out of nowhere like what she did when they were still kids.

Ray was starteled by Y/N "Seriously you need to stop popping out of nowhere and scaring me like that."

"Awww don't be a pary pooper Ray" Y/N plopped next to Ray, Ray sighed and continue to hum the melody.

Y/N happily joined him humming the song too but neither of them can see Isabella smilling with tears in her eyes wanting to be let out.

"Leslie" Isabella muttered quietly under her breath getting reminded of her and her first love by looking at Y/N and Ray together.

"Isabella!"shrieked a very shocked Leslie Isabella laughed and jumped down and sat next to Leslie.

"I love the music! can you please play the song again?" asked Isabella looking at a blushing Leslie.

"S-sure but don't tell the others ok?" Leslie warned and blushed more Isabella nodded furiously "Yeah!".

Leslie started to play the guitar and Isabella's eyes shined "Woah" Isabella was looking at Leslie with admiration.

Once Leslie was done playing Isabell asked him a question "Is there a tittle to this song?" Leslie scartched his head "Erm...no."

Isabella's eyes brightened "We can think of something!" Isabella held Leslie's hand her eyes glimmering with hope Leslie blushed harder from the skin contact.

"Y-yea what ever you like Isabella" Leslie looked away blushing "What did you think about while you made this song?"

This caused Leslie to blush alot hader if that's possible he was thinking about what melody would fit best to show(?) his kids.

His kids with Isabella that is

"Helloooo earth to Leslie" Isabelle waved her hands Leslie inhaled harshly "Our family" Leslie blushed alot Isabella too blushed.

"Well" Isabella smiled at Leslie "Then let's name it Our song since you're thinking of me and our furure family together and we can pass that melody down from us to our youngest grand kid!"

"Everyone in our generation will know this melody!" Isabella looked determined leslie was blushing but laughed it off.

"Ok then that's a promise to teach our grand kids and their partner the song" Leslie smiled and showed Isabella his pinky.



'Damn it I can't stop crying' Isabella felt tears running down her cheeks "Leslie I'm sorry I couldn't do anything."

"Mama are you ok?" Phil asked Isabella "I-I'm fine phil you can just play I'll be here" Isabella quickly wiped her tears off and tried to crack a smile.

Even though Phil was concerned for his mother he didn't question it and ran off to find Emma.

-Time skip- ( Huge time skip )

Y/N was humming the the melody then she felt a tug on her dress it was grabbed by a tiny hand.


Y/N looked to see her daughter grabbing her dress "What's that song?" her daughter who's about 4 right now asked.

"It's a melody your papa has teached me" Y/N smiled at her daughter she soon felt a hand on her shirt it was her son who's about 6 months old giggling and clapping his hands.

"I'm home" Ray announced as he opened the door "Papa!" your daughter yelled as she ran to her father.

"Papa papa! what's that song that you thought Mama I wanna know too! did you make it?" ( Daughter's name ) chirped.

Keep in mind that both your off springs are happy kids ( not like their father Lmao ).

"I learned it from your grand mother she made it with your grand father" Ray smiled as he ruffled ( Daughter's name )'s hair.

"And if you want to learn it lesson strats now" Ray joked while the three others laughed along with him.

Let's just say that the promise Leslie and Isabella made was kept.
Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter!

________________________________Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter!

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