Sami x Autumn

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Oc from BTS-Trash-2018

Sami just found out the worst news he can possibly find out. His mother had just recently passed. He was married to his lover, Autumn, and their two kids, Samantha and Jackson. Sami was older, maybe around forty five. His kids were six while his lover was twenty five.

They went through a lot to be together. He was about to be a grandfather to a baby girl named Amelia but he was struggling with the news of his mother... She shouldn't left. She should be alive and well but his father killed her. The news terribly effected him. Autumn wanted to help him get over his loss, after all, that what happened with Aime, Aime lost her child and her she is again. Married and having another baby girl. Autumn wasn't being insensitive, he swear, but he couldn't handle Samantha hyperness ( as she is given the nickname, Hyperactive) and Jackson was constantly under his mother due to him having an attachment disorder all by himself. They was a team.

As days went on, Sami started to lack sleep, stop eating completely, and slowly went to dangerous coping mechanisms like drinking. To him, he felt like he killed Kailyn all over again. This was the price he had to pay.

The Mystka-Blakinship household was dangerous one soon enough. The kids was started to get scared of their outraged father, he would never lay a hand on them, but his demeanor was scary. Sami and Autumn was constantly down each other throats, yelling and screaming, the seemingly perfect family was destroyed within those few weeks.

Weeks went by and then suddenly, the two adults stopped fighting. The household was quiet again. The kids was laughing, playing in the backyard, Autumn was enjoying the sun, Sami was inside working being a workaholic as usual. Sami was experiencing a headache at that moment and he took some pills for it. He was okay, he thought, as he went back to working. Him and Autumn was happy again, his children was no longer was scared of him.

Samantha got terribly ill, nobody knows what or why. Sami grief cycle started over again. He was told she would die and he was hit harder than Autumn. Autumn was devastated, but Autumn was pregnant with their third kid so he couldn't really stressed but he was always making sure Samantha was well. Samantha gotten better, not as active as she used to be, but better.

The household was less stressful once again. Autumn was always making sure their kids was vaccinated and happy and healthy. As long as they was happy, Autumn was happy. If Autumn was healthy and happy, Sami was happy.

Onw day the most devastating thing that shook the Mystka-Blakinship household. Sami ex-wife Jean-Marie had murdered Sami in his office at work. She hated him. Hated him to his core and wshe didn't know he changed his will where Autumn was in control of everything. She assumed he was lazy and didn't change it and she was going to kicked Autumn and their kids out and show them the real peasant life. Well she fucked up. She got justice for her crimes. She was punished for killing Sami, but Autumn was stuck in grief. Losing Sami was the worse thing in his life but he kept living for his kids although he wanted to die several times.
* uncanon if you want it to

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