Why? ( Story 2 of 5 )

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Preston could never handle death well. When someone died on a tv show, Preston would cry. When hos toys break, he cried.

So when Preston saw his dad dead, a part of him died. He sat in his room he had since six, as he looked at the photo book his dad made since he was born. That whole day, everyone who spoke to him, he couldn't hear them. He knew Jonah really didn't know Eros as when he got sick, Preston wasn't allowed to have any friends over except on his birthdays and honestly his birthdays for the past four years was in an hospital.

His eleventh birthday was when Eros was in the hospital running tests as Silas stayed home with him and only Jonah and Janice was invited as Preston didn't have many friends.   That day, all the adults was in the living room, being secretive. Him being nosy made him find out he had leukemia but in the earliest stages. That night, Preston saw Alex and Eros moved his stuff in a separate room as honestly it was mostly Alex as Eros started to get tired and sat down.

"Alex, I don't want to sleep alone."he said as he looked at him with puppy eyes.

"I know, babe. I know but we have to make sure you get better. You are sick ans staying with me and our prince, would make you feel worse."he said as he watched Eros start getting upset as tears run down his face. "Don't cry please." Alex said as his voice cracked.

His twelth birthday, Eros had a seizure two nights before and was in the hospital once again as he was still breathing but he wasn't waking up as he was in a a mini coma. "Can we not celebrate my birthday anymore?" Preston said as they sat outside in the waiting room as Alex held his hand.

"Do you know why we celebrate your birthday?"Alex asked as he looked ar Preston. Preston shook his head no.

"You was supposed to be dead. Your Daddy Silas was supposed to miscarried you but he took special care of you when he was pregnant with you."he said as he held his head tightly. "He loved you so much that he wasn't going to let you leave him. That's why he is so overprotective of you. He is so scared he will lose you."

"But Papa Eros is dying. Is Daddy Silas scared he would lose him?"Preston asked and Alex nodded with a sigh.

"Yeah, we all are scared."knowing he shouldn't tell him this but he had to give it to him straight. "Your Papa Eros might die really soon." He is a smart kid, and he can figured things out. Suddenly Silas jumped in Alex's lap and saying he was awake. He was awake over and over again. That news didn't settled well with Preston.

Thirteenth birthday. Eros got worse, seizures was more common, nosebleeds, pretty much 24-7 care and that day, something spark within Preston. He went to a park with one of his crushes and Preston seduced him. Being thirteen and knowing how to seduce, something was up. Preston turned his phone off and went to their house and had sex with them. Preston simply thought everyone was too busy with Eros that they just didn't have time for him anymore. Everyone was looking for him as Eros stayed behind waiting for him.

That following morning, Eros was out his bed as he held him tightly. "Please don't do that again." Tears was running down his cheeks as Eros held him tightly. "I was so scared. I was so scared I would lose you. Pres, I know its rough right now but I will get better, in order for I can get better, I have to get worse first."he said as he cough a little. "I will be fine."he said as he ease all his worries.

Fourteenth birthday, Preston was diagnosed with anxiety and depression and therapy options. Of course, the psychologist believes it was stemming from the fact his family was a polygamy family and he had more pressure.

Which everyone knew why. Alex looked at the psychologist and said with a sigh. "My husband is on his death bed." Alex had long accepted him dying so he wasn't grieving like Silas and Preston. "I am tired of everyone assuming that our family dynamic is the reason Preston is going though this." Then he dragged Silas and Preston out.

Alex went to hang out with Sean and Gabby that night leaving Silas there to take care of his husband as Preston was with him.

"Alex, are you okay?"Gabby said as she laid her head on his lap. Gabby was unable to have children so when Preston comes over, she would spoil him and it was kinda good because Sean and Robert ( their new partner as Annalise broke up with them ) didn't want any children anyways. "Eros have gotten worse, haven't he?"

Alex nodded as he finally broke. Preston was celebrating his birthday with Sean and Robert. "Eros is dying, Preston have anxiety and depression, and Silas started again and I can't stay strong for everyone. I just can't." Preston heard him as he looked at him with a sad smile.

" Alex, you don't have to stay strong for me. I know Papa Eros going to die. That's why I'm here and not at home."Preston said. "I'm fourteen now and I know he got worse. Silas cries every night. The only night he doesn't cries is when you two is having sex." He said bluntly. "Papa Eros hates knowing he can't do anything with you two. This isn't a family anymore. Its patient and caregivers." He was about to walk out until Robert held him back.

"Apologize to your dad. He is struggling and you been acting like a brat."Robert said.

"Silas can act like a brat."

"Are you Silas?"Robert questioned hom and Preston shook his head no. "Then grow up. Help your dads out. You are old enough to help."

Fifeteenth birthday. Preston was out with his friends except Jonah as they wasn't speaking as Preston was mad at Jonah for saying he shouldn't do this and that and he is being wrong with sleeping with all those people. Not that he cared. Preston was an ass. He was and he didn't care. After all, Eros was just getting worse as he lose his hair and he was weaker. They didn't celebrate his birthday, nor went to pride.

Everyone knows what happened of his sixteenth birthday and Preston regretted treated Eros like crap as he was distant from his affections. He was distant from every one believe it or not.


Preston arrived in front of Jonah house with a sigh as Jonah got in the front and buckled up. He wasn't mentally there to drive. Jonah was smiling and ready as they had made up from their incident as he started driving.

He listened to Jonah as he didn't hear his exact words. All the sudden, he saw Jonah face turned pale out of fear.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2019 ⏰

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