You Wanted It

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So here our breakup letter-

Dear Emery,

It's that time. It's that time I move on because obviously you have. I feel as though we had a lot of problems that wasn't addressed... The constant lashing out for example. The distance was bothering you, I felt like you was dating me for clout or to get your crush to notice you (which they obviously did), I had issues with my dad, and honestly I wasn't comfortable with the things we done and I was too worried that you would hate me because of it and as I am writing this, I realized I was dating you for the wrong reasons.

We had good times like my birthday. I felt so forgotten but you didn't let me feel that way like I normally do on my birthday. When you made Colorguard, I was so proud of you! And I am still really proud of you. You made a safe place for me and I'm thankful for it. You went out your way for me and you would wish me luck before I head in school and I haven't had that in a long time. You took me out of my comfort zone and as much ad I am thankful about that, I honestly won't be doing that again.

So in most relationships there is times where they lash out which is completely normal. But Em, you constantly lashed out at me and I felt like the one time I lash out, you broke up with me... And that wasn't fair. I felt disrespected and I was nice to you and you still made me feel awful by lashing out. The distance was bothering you and you never said anything and if it was, I woulf have tried to make it more comfortable for you or would have said lets take a break until I can get more physical with you. The clout, ( keep in mind I am really hurt when I wrote this) I felt like you wanted to make yourself unavailable to make your crushes notice you and if you like someone else, you should have said something. If you wanted to date them, then you could have ask or you should have told me and I would have backed down and also I felt like I was your dirty secret and you was embarrassed by me. I realized I can't blame all the problems on you. I was at fault. I was emotionally distant, I just couldn't be your caregiver anymore and I was afraid to say something because my gut knew you wanted more. I thought if I sent you photos, you would keep your eyes on me and now... God I should've trusted my gut or I wouldn't be hurt like I am.

Honestly we didn't have time to fix our problems and I wish I was given a chance but I wasn't. You moved on before I wasn't given a chance and honestly that pissed me off more than ever. Yeah I did leave for a couple days but I had to sort myself out and I just feel so hurt knowing I wasn't given a chance to fix it because you moved on... I just felt like you just assume the relationship was bad because we had problems and you just gave up. That's the real reason. That why I was hurt. I was hurt because you couldn't trust me to me and I felt like you given up before we even got a chance to try to fix anything.

Anyways, this is me breaking up with you and moving on. I think I deserve it and you may disagree with some things but these are my observations. Do I hate you? I want to so bad. You don't know how much I want to hate you- but I couldn't and I won't. From here on now, I will start setting boundaries. Some days I will be extremely distant but I can't trust you with my heart ever again and I hope you understand. You ruined relationships for me but a part of moving on, I will healed and I will enjoy myself in a healthier relationship.

- Zach ( but later change my name to Zander XD )

(( before you get upset, Iyahna and I was talking and she said her opinion on the situation and it made me think and so I wrote this-

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