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What happens when the boy of your dreams was a complete slut? Alex was.

Alex was drug addict who had sex with anyone, most people was surprised he didn't have an STD. But everyone knew that who Alex was crushing on. The flirtations. The touching. All the guys that Alex had sex with, suddenly Alex didn't have attention for. Everyone knew why Alex was a drug addict. His parents taught him it was normal to smoke until his grandparents took custody of Alex but Alex was too far gone down the wrong path.

But Eros was already taken by Sophia. You could tell he was happy and he would hold her hand and give her kisses each time they pass each other. Hell he even change his schedule where they could be together most of the time.

When they broke up, the news traveled and Alex was the main one interested in the news. "Hey, Eros. Want to talk?"Alex was hanging out with his usual friends, most who he had messed around with, as he saw Eros come through as he walked towards him. At this time, Alex was in a polygamous relationship with this girl name Gabby and his childhood friend, Sean and their relationship was extremely open. If Gabby wanted to have sex with someone else that wasn't him or Sean, they didn't care just as long as they was in their arms.

Eros looked at Alex as the height difference was obvious as Alex didn't get his growth spurt til his junior year. "Alex, I don't want any drugs or have sex with you."he said as he assumed that Alex wanted that. "And plus, I don't do polygamy." Alex crush was well known. Hell even Gabby wanted Eros but Eros would always say that he didn't want to ruin their relationship.

"How dare you assume I wanted sex or give you drugs? I noticed you and Sophia broke up and you probably need a friend."Alex said as he went to hug Eros and suddenly Eros collapsed in Alex hug as Alex rubbed his back.

That night, Eros participated in his first threesome. Oh boy was it drama. Sean and Gabby didn't like how Alex would looked at Eros like he was the love of his life. And they broke up. Alex was the one who pulled the plug.

"Sean and Gabby, I'm sorry I have to break this up. What we had was special and I really like Eros. I mean we are only 14 so we are still young."except Alex was mentally older.

Three years later, Eros and Alex got married and they was invited. "Alex, congratulations."Sean said as he hugged him. Gabby was holding onto Sean as they was still together with their new partner, Annalise.

"Alex, you would always said you will married this man, and you did. I hope you have a long marriage."Gabby said and took a picture of the happy couple.

Seven years later, they met this young boy named Silas and honestly Alex was crushing hard. He still love his husband, but this boy, something around him, made him want to protect him, show him love. Eros hired him on his gardener, as the last one tried hurting his niece. Days of working with Silas as he offered him to live at their home because he heard about how his family his family was transphobic and homophobic. Hell Alex offered to cut his hair more masculine and instantly he felt a spark and he decided go to his husband.

"Eros."he said as he sat up, panting. "Can we have another partner? I am kinda tired of being bottom."he said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

Eros looked at him as he was getting ready to take a shower. "Alex, you know I don't do polygamy. Last time we tried, I got hurt."

"Eros, I have a crush on Silas!"he said as Eros knows Alex have multiple crushes at once and he asked permission each time. Each time, Eros said yes until he got hurt because Alex would bring them on their dates and it wasn't his cup anymore. But Eros had a secret. He had a crush on Silas also.

"Alex, come on. He is 18... A baby still. This might be his first relationship and what if this fails? In a bad way."

"We won't know til we tried."

"It isn't going to work. We will damaged the boy."

"No we won't."

"Okay then ask him out. If we hurt him, I will blame you."Eros said as he wrnt to take a shower.

Six years later, Alex went to kiss Eros from behind as Eros watched Silas hold Preston despite having top surgery a week ago because Preston had a nightmare as they was both sleep. "I don't do polygamy."he teased him as Eros chuckled softly.

"I love my boys, what can I say?"Eros kissed Alex softly as went to get Preston as nobody could lay in the bed with Silas as he healed from surgery. Trust me, Eros and Alex wanted to cuddle him as he knew how much pain he was in and wanted him to feel better.

"Papa Eros, why can't I lay with Daddy Silas? Why?"Preston said as Eros put him back in bed. He stroke his hair as he looked at him with a smile.

"Daddy Silas is in a lot of pain. Remember when he was in the hospital last week? He had surgery because he had to get rid of some unnecessary things."he explained to him as he help him go back to sleep as Alex was calming Silas down from taking Preston as they was practically inseparable.

"Do Papa Alex loves me?"Preston was curious as Alex was the one that disciplines him. Eros nodded and said,"Don't tell Papa Alex, but for Christmas, he is getting you a puppy."

"Why do I have three daddies and not a mommy? Elie said Daddy Silas is a mommy not a daddy."

"Daddy Silas a daddy. Elie is just mad that you have more love than she does."Eros told him. Alex had help Silas up to see that Preston was in good hands.

"See, little one~ Daddy Eros is taking good care of Pres."

Ten years later, Eros came into Silas and Alex room with a smile after they celebrated their son birthday. "Can I sleep with you guys tonight?" Eros wasn't allowed to sleep with them due to the fact he could be worse. After all, he was diagnosed with leukemia. "I'm tired of sleeping alone. It makes me feel lonely."

Alex was trying to help Silas find a vein for his shot and looked at Eros. "Eros, I would love for you to sleep with us tonight but you been battling this for almost five years and we been following doctor orders so that been working. I'm sorry I will have to say no." Alex said and then Silas gave him that look. Those puppy eyes, damn him. He knew Silas missed behing with both of them but he was looking out for Eros health also. Especially since Alex believes he was coming down with something as he felt ill all day. "Fine, but you will bring your iv in here and if you start coughing or anything, you will go in your room."
Once he found the vein, he gave Silas his T shot for the week.

Eros laid his head down as he held Alex and Silas as he told them how much he loved them and if he was to die any day from now, he want Preston to find his own future. Not fuss about going to college or taking over his business. If its with someone, let him.

Alex didn't take him seriously as he watched Eros slept that night. Before he went to sleep, he swore he say him breathing.

As those memories flashed through Alex's head, he looked at the wall as he held in his tears. The man he loved for almost twenty years was gone. Yesterday made twenty five. Alex knew Silas was hit harder as Silas was the first one to noticed something was wrong as Eros would get up before them to maybe work or plan what they was going to do for pride this year. After all they haven't went to pride for three years since Eros got sick. Never have he slept in past eight and it was 10:30. He got up at eight to change his iv and cook breakfast as he had to cook two different meals. One for Preston, Alex, and Silas while he had to eat rabbit food, he called it.

He should've said no as Eros had surgery the next week that would have help Eros. But no. He gave in. Alex should have assert his dominance but he didn't.

End of Story 1 out 5?

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