Special chapter: April Fools

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It's been a couple of months since Izayoi, Asuka, Yō, and Seiji came to The Little Garden. Now the children were sitting in their Community's library for knowledge.

Izayoi: Ugh! Isn't there anything to do at all, I'm bored.

Asuka: Be quiet! I'm trying to read a book here.

Yō was playing with Calico cat with Seiji and Seiji had an idea.

Seiji: Hey, it's April Fools today, right?

Yō: Yes.

Izayoi: You have a prank on your mind?

Asuka: I'm interested, tell us.

Seiji grinned and told them the plan.


Black Rabbit was doing paperwork with Leticia.


Leticia: Black Rabbit, please don't scream. It hurts my ears.

Black Rabbit: How can you say that when you're not even helping me!

Leticia: I did bring you your snack and tea.

Black Rabbit couldn't talk back at this and pout. They were both interrupted when the door was slammed open showing Seiji.

Seiji: Black Rabbit, there you are!

Black Rabbit: Seiji-san! Where have you been! And why did you open the door like that!

Seiji: Be quiet, Black Rabbit. I don't have time to that.

Black Rabbit: Why!

Seiji: Because I must confess to you!

Black Rabbit got serious and looked Seiji in the eyes.

Black Rabbit: Tell me, what is the problem.

Seiji: Black Rabbit... I... I-I love you!

Black Rabbit blushed and flinched.

Black Rabbit: W-W-W-What are you saying Seiji-san. Confessing to me like that I don't know how to react.

Seiji: Black Rabbit, I am serious. Please be my girlfriend!

Black Rabbit was about to say something but Izayoi came in and interrupted.

Izayoi: Stop right there!

Black Rabbit: Now what is wrong!

Izayoi: Black Rabbit's sexy body is mine, Seiji! So hands off!

Seiji: Make me Izayoi! My feelings are true so I will never back off!

Izayoi grinned at Seiji.

Izayoi: If you won't back off I will leave the Community.

Black Rabbit: What!?

Seiji: You don't dare...

Izayoi: Is what you think.

Seiji sweated nervously and gave up.

Seiji: Fine... You win... Black Rabbit, I'm sorry but I can't be with you. Since we need Izayoi here I will leave.

Seiji was going away and Black Rabbit tried to stop him but Asuka and Yō interrupted her.

Asuka and Yō: Wait a minute!

Black Rabbit: What is wrong again!

Asuka: Black Rabbit how dare you say nothing back to Seiji!

Yō: Yeah, he was so eager to confess to you and you just stay quiet!

Asuka: If this is how you treat others I will leave the Community!

Yō: Yeah, me too!

Black Rabbit: What! Please don't! I will date with Seiji-san!

Seiji: So you will date me if they will leave the Community!? That's it Black Rabbit! I'm done! I will leave the Community!

Seiji ran away with Asuka and Yō following.

Black Rabbit: No Seiji-san I didn't mean it that way!

Izayoi: Didn't know you were that desperate Black Rabbit.

Black Rabbit: Izayoi-san, please don't tell me...

Izayoi: Yes, I will leave the Community too.

Izayoi left but before he left he winked at Leticia and she understood what happened. The door was closed and Black Rabbit leaned on her table while crying.

Black Rabbit: *sniff* Why did this have to be this way? All I wanted to do was have fun together...

Black Rabbit cried until the door was opened again showing Izayoi, Asuka, Yō, and Seiji grinning at Black Rabbit.

Izayoi: Happy April Fools, Black Rabbit!

Asuka: Happy April Fools, Black Rabbit!

Yō: Happy April Fools, Black Rabbit!

Seiji: Happy April Fools, Black Rabbit!

Black Rabbit flinched back with tears on her eyes and looked confused. Everyone started laughing at Black Rabbit and she was still processing what happened.

Izayoi: *laughs* You should see your face now, Black Rabbit!

Asuka: *laughs* This is a masterpiece, Seiji!

Yō: *laughs* Y-Yeah!

Seiji: *laughs* Sorry, Black Rabbit. But we needed to have fun and I had this idea.

After everyone recovered from their laughs Black Rabbit jumped up and shouted.

Black Rabbit: You... YOU PROBLEM CHILDREN!!!!!

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