Part One - The Beginning of Memories - Rockie

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3rd Person POV

The girl was awake. She wants to open her eyes, but she also wants to listen to her surroundings first. It's a thing that she always does. And it never seemed to fail her. So, she listened. And then she noticed, how her outfit had changed. It felt different.... It was more feminine.

It was some sort of dress thingy, except it's midnight blue and without the symbol on the front and back. She also wore some gloves that goes from way above her elbow to her fingers, revealing her shoulders that was way too fab for her usual attire. She wore black leggings that somehow had their own kunai pouches and kunai in stock. She also wore regular black ninja sandals. With socks underneath.

She also noticed how it felt like she was lying on a boulder. She opened her eyes, only to find-

"oH MY GOD!" The girl, known as Rockie-chan, fell off of the boulder, landing into the nearby leaves.

"Oww." She.....uhh.....owwed?

"Tch. What did I ever do to be stuck to an idiot like you." Something, or someone nearby mumbled.

"I heard that!" Rockie-chan said as she climbled back on the boulder.

"So, what am I supposed to call you?" The thing that turns out to be a cat, asked.

"Isn't it common courtsy to give someone your name before you ask for theirs?" Rockie smirks.

'I'm just gonna act like I know exactly what's going on-'

"Call me.....Mona." The cat, apparently called Mona responded.

"Oh my god. Mona, as in, Morgana?! From P5?! KYAAAAA-" Rockie began to fangirl.

"...nevermind. Call me Lisa." Lisa hissed, annoyed.

"....And I thought that I was gonna enjoy being around you." Rockie anime cried.

"Okay, okay! Calm down, ya tsundere!" Lisa panicked.

"What the hell does crying have to do with being a tsundere?" Rockie calmed down for a sec.

"Idk. What do I call you?" Lisa asked.

Imma tease them a bit.
Rockie thought.

"Call me master~" Rockie winked.

"BLEGH! No! That's kinky. I'm gonna call you tsundere." Lisa objected.

"Welp. I just got rejected." Rockie smiled.

"Oh, shut up, tsundere!" Lisa grew am anime irk mark on her head.

'Yup. That's the little kitten I knew.' Rockie smiled to herself at the thought.


"Hmm?" Rockie found out that her dress had pockets, and her red phone was in one of them.

"WOAH! I HAVE POCKETS?!" She whisper/screams while she checked out her awesome pockets.

When she finally got back to business and seriousness, she opened her phone. Only to look at the battery percentage, to find an infinity symbol on it. She anime drooled at that. She found a creepy message. As if it was from some sort of pedo. She still remembered her encounter with the "goddess" as clear as a drop of water on a mirror. She decided to check out the message that she got.

'Welcome, Rockie Zauvek! To your new life in the Narutoverse!'

Rockie anime drooled again at those words. She really was in the Narutoverse. Her dream actually came true.

"Oh, and I forgot to mention." Lisa began.

"Hmm?" Rockie paid attention to what Lisa was going to say.

"You have an unlimited supply of.....these....dead a cup....thingies...." Lisa finished.

Rockie gasped.

"YOSHA!" She fistbumped the air. This was one of the happiest moments of her life. She wouldn't have to worry about her food supply any longer.

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