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"Marie Ann Cade,'' my older brother johnny said snapping me out of my daydream, ''you comin' or not?'' " where we goin?'' "I told you like three times already, we going to pony's'' " no, im goin stay here, I don't think he likes me very much.'' He looked at me confused. "what do you mean?'' he asks clearly confused. "well every time im over there he just ignores me.''"okay well I aint leavin ya here alone so your gonna suck it up and go with me'' i stood up fixing my leather jacket i took from dally, and parting my long brown almost black hair. Me and johnny may have different dads but we look and act the same. i have long dark hair that is almost down to my butt. My eyes are a little lighter, they are a dark green. We both don't talk much, we are also both very skittish and scared of every little thing. I don't know if we're like that because if the socs or our parents using us as punching bags everyday, 

I hadnt noticed but we mad it all they way to the curtis' with out being jumped, i was happy. it was currently 12 in he after noon during the summer so being jupmed was very likely. As soon as we walked in the house i heard dally yell " has anyone seen my jacket'' i quietly snicked to my self. " never mind found it'' he yelled across theouse as he walked into the living room. "why do you take everyones clothes?'' i was the youngest,even younger than pony although he was only a few months older than me. i just shrug, i dont talk much, "what do i even try to get you to talk?'' i just walked to the couch and sat down. i heard i sigh knoking it was dally with out even looking. hes the only one who tries to get me to talk. "look its baby cade'' two said as he sat on the couch next to me."dont call me that'' i wispered not wanting anyone to hear me. "oh so you'll talk to him but not me'' dally sassed. ''sorry'' 'oh she talks'' soda said laughing. they all like to make fun  of me because i dont talk much and if i do its so low almost nobody can hear me. the only reason i do that is because if i talk loud at my house ill get beat,and i know that wont happen here but im still scared. I was about to get up and give dally his jacket back but ponyboy walked in and I froze. I don't think he likes me very much. Every time I come over he just ignores me. He doesn't even sit by me.

Ponyboy's pov

It was about 11:30 in the morning and I just woke up, on weekends or summers I sleep pretty late. As I was walking down the stairs I heard soda say "oh she talks" I knew he was talking about Marie. First she's the only girl in the gang, second it's a shock when ever she talks because she doesn't talk that much. I don't really know why. I try to avoid her as much as possible because I feel like shoe doesn't like me. She never even looks at me or sits next to me so I just don't even bother with her. I'm normally a social person and I love to talk but with her it's different, I can't seem to form words to speak to her. I'm to chicken to tell soda about it because I know he'll just make fun of me. If I tell Johnny he might get upset because it's his sister and I really just don't trust anyone else. I really just want to know why I can't speak to her with out it coming out rude, or not at all. 
A/n: I will be switch the view points a lot in chapters just because I want you to get a feel for the characters. Once I get a few chapters in I'll most likely narrow it down to one or two view point switches in one chapter.

Dallys point of view

I have been looking for my leather jacket for so long and Marie has it this whole time. I should have known she takes everyone's clothes. If it was anyone else would have been so mad, I probably would have beaten them. My jacket is my pride. But it was baby cade, I could hurt her even if I wanted to. I put on a tough act like I can't love anyone but deep down I love Johnny and Marie. They're like siblings to me, yes the whole gang is but it's something about the cafe kids that get me. I saw pony walk down the stairs, it's pretty late in the day even for him, he must of stayed up late readin last night. "Hey" he says Groggily. Yep he was up late last night. "Have a nice sleep princess?" Two-bit snickered. "Shut your trap" pony said as he yawned. " breakfast" Darry called we all rushed in the kitchen, well all but Marie. Marie doesn't eat much or well at least I don't see he eat much. I make me a plate but add extra stuff on it. When no ones looking I grab a small plate from the cabinet. I know if the gang saw me being nice they would never let me live it down. I walked in the the living room where she was reading a book. "Charlotte's web?" I mumbled to my self know she wasn't going to answer. "Yeah, I really love this book" she whispers. "Oh okay, well here I brought you this," I said handing her the plate, a piece of cake, and two pancakes. "Thanks" she says. I didn't know what else to say so I walked off and back to the kitchen.

Pony's pov

I saw what dally did. He gave Marie some pancakes. We all know dally cares about Marie and Johnny, we just don't say anything. I want to go up to her and talk to her about the book she's reading. I've read that book about 4 times now. I just wish I could form words to say to her. I guess I was staring because sodapop walked by and whispered in my ear "you drooling" I knew he was joking but I could still feel my ears burning and turning red.

That's the end of this chapter. I hope you liked it. It's the first chapter so the story and writing will get better(hopefully) I plan on taking things slowly in the book so it might be a really long book. Idk yet. I'm not that good at updates to I'll update when I remember. 😂 anyways I hope you liked and go watch some sunsets.

Ps word count was 1168

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2019 ⏰

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