Chapter 19

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Word Count: 1718


Ryan was quietly humming along to whatever song was playing on the radio. Her hips gently swayed with the beat as the sunlight made her skin glow.

She definitely was beautiful, there was no denying it. But to me she was way more than that. She was absolutely stunning and graceful. A gentle creature who's every movement seemed as graceful as the ocean waves. She radiated kindness and was way to pure for this cruel world.

When she finally noticed me standing there she smiled. She had the kind of smile that made you feel happy as well.

"I made breakfast." She pointed to the counter that held a large plate of pancakes and an assortment of different fresh fruits. All the fruit had been cut into small cubes.

I moved from where I was standing in the doorway to hug her. "Thank you but you didn't have to do that."

She hummed as she wrapped her hands around my neck, standing on her toes. "I wanted to. Besides you were still asleep anyway, it's not like there was much else I had to entertain myself with." Her blue eyes stared back into mine with that bright playfulness that I had grown so fond of.

We hadn't been together for very long. In all honesty I didn't even know if we were together. We hadn't talked much about what we were. I wasn't sure if she wanted to talk about it or if she just assumed that I knew. Neither of us had brought it up yet but knowing her she wouldn't be the one to bring it up.

"Next time just wake me up then."

"I know that immortal Greek gods don't exactly need sleep but I still feel like it's rude to wake someone up. Especially if it's over as something like being bored."

Ryan had this thing of avoiding any kind of conflict or confrontation if she could. She hated arguing and she hated feeling like she was causing a problem. And gods forbid she try to solve a problem she was having with someone else.

Ryan would much rather continue to let people walk all over her rather than stand up for herself. It was one of the reasons I was so glad that she was with me now.

One thing Ryan had never avoided talking about was her best friend. She always spoke fondly of her, more like she was her sister rather than a friend.

Maybe Ryan couldn't see it since she had been so close to her. But it was easy to tell she wasn't as good of a friend as Ryan thought she was.

All of the stories Ryan told me about her could be easily summed up as Ryan being walked all over, her standing on the sidelines watching, and then just picking up the pieces and haphazardly putting Ryan back together.

Gods help anyone who dared to use Ryan for their own gain. If it was up to me whoever had ever hurt Ryan in the past, had ever caused her any pain or made her shed a single tear wouldn't be allowed to see the light of day. They didn't deserve to.

"Come on." Ryan pulled me out of my thoughts by tugging on my hand, "let's eat."

We sat at the small table by the window that had a perfect view of the ocean. Ryan set the two plates full of food down and happily sat in her seat.

Our little vacation had already done her a lot of good. It was easy to see that she had relaxed and wasn't stressed about our current situation anymore. It made me happy to see her so carefree.

Ryan definitely had a strong love for the ocean and the beach. She always seemed so fascinated by it and never seemed to stop smiling whenever she was there.

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