Chapter 21

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Word Count: 729


Persephone sat across from me at the dinner table, a look of worry upon her beautiful face. Her black hair was braided back and yellow flowers were braided into it. Her lips were turned down in a frown as her deep green eyes met mine.

"Are you sure that Ryan and Thanatos are alright. There never late," her voice trailed off as she rubbed her arms. It was something she did quite often when she was worried over something.

I set my fork down and sighed. "Would it ease your worries if I went and checked on them?"


Before I could leave she grabbed my hand. Her dark brown skin was a stark contrast to my pale skin. The yellow flowers in her hair looked more vibrant against her darker complexion. She truly was such a beautiful creature.

"I just - I have a feeling that something isn't right."

I leaned down and kissed her softly on the lips. "I'm sure you have nothing to worry about darling. I'll be right back, okay?"

As I made my way down the halls I couldn't help but to agree with Persephone. Something wasn't right.

I wasn't quite able to put my finger on it though, which only irritated me further. Something had happened in my realm that I was unaware of, and things that I was unaware of could never be good.

Once I was out of Persephone's sight I picked up my pace. Something told me that I needed to hurry. But once again I wasn't sure what. It was almost like some outside force was forcing me to act.

Rushing was something I didn't normally do. The only way I would rush to anyone's aide is if it was Persephone's. And gods bless the person who was dumb enough to mess with her. The only help she would ever need from me would be sentencing the person she just killed to the proper afterlife.

I hadn't realized I'd reached Thanatos and Ryan's bedroom door until I was knocking on it.

I knocked a few times. Gently at first, and then ended up banging against the door as my worry continued to build.

No response.

Throwing open the door, the sight in front of me made me feel sick to my stomach.

How something could happen like this right under my nose, within my own realm, without me knowing of it made me want to kill every person I could get my hand on until I killed the person who did this.

Thanatos was on his knees surrounded by a puddle of blood. Tears ran silently down his face as he clung on to Ryan's pale body. He was shaking, his eyes blank as he stared at his love lying limply in his arms. He was holding onto her so tightly that his knuckles were white.

As I got closer I could tell he was muttering something under his breath. Repeating it over and over like a mantra. Like the words he was whispering could somehow bring her back to him.

It wasn't until I got close enough to put my hand on his shoulder that I could make out what he was saying.

"It's all my fault. I'm so sorry."

"Thanatos," I whispered gently.

He didn't respond. He didn't even flinch. It was like he was currently in a whole other world where it was just him and his guilt.

"Thanatos." This time I shook him. I kept shaking him until he snapped out of whatever daze he was in.

His eyes met mine. A choked sob made its way past his lips as he helplessly looked up at me.

He was lost without her, that much was easy to tell. But the fact that someone as strong as him, a Greek god who could wreak havoc and destruction amongst the mortal world, was sobbing over one.

It dawned on me then that a man was truly nothing without the one he lives by his side. Without them, they were helpless and lost. The one that a man loves is there everything. Including their sense of sanity, their hope, and their ambition.

Without Ryan, Thanatos was nothing.

"Can you carry her," I asked him softly.

He nodded, unable to form any kind of sound besides strangled cries and sobs.

"Follow me. We'll bring her back okay? I promise."


I'm so sorry that this chapter is so short. I promise that the next one is going to be longer, I'm also sorry that it's taken so long for me to update. It's the end of the school year and I've had so much work to do.

Anyways I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. I didn't want to add the part from Thanatos POV since it would've made this chapter WAY to long for my tastes. Plus that part isn't completely finished so that's how you guys know the next chapter is gonna be long. I may even break it into two parts.

Anyways I hope you all forgive me for the long wait. Hopefully this weekend I'll be able to work on more.

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