||REQUESTS CLOSED|| Request Page

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Hello! My name is Fellow. I write stuff. I also read stuff. Mostly fanfiction- AANNYYway, this page is where you can comment requests if you have one. Anywhere else and I may not see it. Small chance, but just in case.

For requests, I will do (Character-wise):

• Thomas Sanders

• Any of the Sides (Logan, Patton, Roman, Virgil, Deceit, Remus)

For limitations on ideas, here are the things I WILL do (Or try):

• Selfharming/Suicidal Reader OR Side (Thomas is included under 'Side')

• Child/Teen Reader OR Side

• Runaway Reader OR Side

• Orphan Reader OR Side

• Animal/Half animal/Anything like Neko Reader OR Side

• Side Reader

• Song based oneshots (Like my Roman and Soulmate!Reader, or pretty much any of my Roman oneshots)

Things I will NOT do:

• Smut, or lemons or whatever you call it. Kissing is fine.

If you request something, here are the things you can expect from the oneshot:

• It will have OVER or AT LEAST 500 words.

• It will MOST LIKELY have proper grammar and spelling, but sometimes typos or slip-ups happen. If you see one, please tell me, and I'll fix it.

• If you are not happy with how it turned out, I will write it again if you want, or a different idea entirely.

• It won't take a month to post. 

So there you go! I will update this page if need be. If there's something that isn't on this list, you can ask, and I will tell you if I can or can't write it. As long as it's not smut, you should be good. 

One last thing, PLEASE be polite when requesting. If I see a comment demanding a oneshot, I may not write it. 

Thank you!


Sanders Sides x Reader Oneshots | On HiatusWhere stories live. Discover now