☁️Neko!Sangwoo&Bum/Reader: Pets Part 2

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"Come here, Sangwoo." You called to him quietly while you were resting on the couch. He turned his head to glance at you but disregarded your command.

"Why don't you come here?" He challenged.

"..." Your lips curled slightly at his disobedience, but you wanted him to feel at home with you, so you let it slide once more. You got up and walked over to him before kneeling down and placing a hand on his wavy locks. He smirked; getting you to covet his attention was all part of his little game. "Why wont you come to me? Don't you like being my pet, Sangwoo?"

"Don't call me a pet." His tone grew low and his tail flicked in annoyance.

"Oh, come now. You don't buy into all that media nonsense, do you?" He huffed and looked away in a very blatant 'I'm ignoring you' gesture. You almost chuckled; that was the most cat-like you'd seen him act since his arrival. "Aw, come on." You reached out and scratched behind his ears. "You'll like it. I'll be a good mommy to you." You continued your ministrations until he succumbed to your touch and drew himself nearer to you. "It's not oppression if I'm the one serving you, now is it?"

"...I suppose not." He muttered before allowing himself to sprawl across your lap, right in the middle of the floor. Sangwoo began to purr as you stroked his face and hair. It was strong and loud, almost like an engine. It was so rumbly that it made you want to giggle. Bum by comparison had a much gentler and therapeutic purr, and it came much more frequently.

It was nice to finally have this moment to bond with Sangwoo; usually he was far more aloof than Bum. He didn't demand your attention in the same way and really only sat with you when Bum was in the room. It was a stark change from what you were used to. Bum came so quickly when you called that he sometimes toppled into furniture. And when he sat on the couch with you he always made sure to get as close to you as physics allowed, leaving little to no personal space. Speaking of which, it was time to start your morning routine. You slid on your knees across the floor toward Bum's bed.
"Bummy~." You sang softly while stroking his ears. He smiled sweetly before his tired eyes fluttered open.

"Mmm. I love when you wake me up like this." He admitted, cheeks flushing a vibrant pink when he saw you gazing down at him.

"Ready to get dressed?" He nodded and outstretched his arms so you could remove his pajama shirt.

"Tss." Sangwoo gave a haughty hiss of derision. "You can't even dress yourself? Pathetic." Bum's bright little smile vanished in an instant when he observed Sangwoo changing without help.

"That's not nice, Sangwoo." You stated plainly. "Not everyone is as gifted as you." Bum turned his head away in embarrassment. It's not like he couldn't do it without you; he just liked it better when you did it. He loved the way you would tickle his belly before you put his shirt on, the way you gave his ears a good scratch after adjusting his collar. Unlike Sangwoo, who saw it as a mark of subservience and made a game of taking it off and hiding it most days, Bum loved his collar. When he wore it he felt valuable; he belonged to you. Sometimes he went as far as to ponder whether the little charm 'round his neck was made of real gold. ...Probably not, as you had spent way too much money on fixing his legs already. But that didn't matter. Bum still felt like he was bestowed with an honor each and every morning, one he would flaunt with pride.

"I know how..." Bum pouted his lips, avoiding Sangwoo's condescending stare. "I can do it myself..."

"Of course you can, Bummy." You kissed his forehead as you leaned in to latch his collar. "But you know I like it when you rely on me, so you let me do it. You're such a good boy~." You could tell that Bum was feeling a bit displaced by Sangwoo's presence; you'd have to be blind not to see it. Sangwoo just needed time to learn his place, and Bum needed to realize that he would always have a special place in your heart no matter how close you got to your new companion.

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