☁️Neko!Sangwoo&Bum/Reader: Pets Part 4

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"Hard... decision?" Sangwoo stared blankly at the apartment door and his mind began to race. 'She's going... to choose!'  His stomach dropped like a rock and his head snapped towards Bum. 'Judging my how wide the scrawny one's eyes are, he's thinking the same thing.'  Sangwoo had to plan fast; he hadn't yet detached that little shit's hold on you yet. Who would you choose? He honestly had no idea at this juncture, and that fact immediately plagued him with anxiety. "Fuuuuuuck..."

"She said... D-do you think she means-"

"No shit, retard. One of us is out of here... tonight."

"Ah!" Bum felt a rotting sort of feeling spread throughout his chest.

"It's not gonna be me..." Sangwoo mumbled, staring on in ambivalence. He turned and brushed by Bum, walking towards their beds. "Not me... It wont be me..."


"Heheh. I'll destroy it all... Won't be me..." He continued to chant in a manic sort of way, an asylum patient spewing a mantra of nonsense. He eyed Bum's bed with malicious intent.

"Uhm... Why are you-"

"Shut up." His volume was barely above a whisper, the voice of a creature deep in concentration. He traced down the plush fabric with one claw.

"W-wait... That's my bed..." The smaller one rang out, causing Sangwoo to immediately halt his movement. His posture straightened and the chilling laugh that followed caused Bum to break out into a cold sweat.

"...You're right. Too obvious." Sangwoo tilted his head and grinned at Bum before abruptly leaping onto his own bed and tearing off large chunks with his razor-sharp teeth.

"Ahh! What are you doing?!"

"What a pity..." He spat a mouthful of stuffing onto the linoleum. "Whatever will Master say when she finds out you destroyed all of my things?"

"Ah!" Bum became paralyzed with fear when he realized what Sangwoo was doing; he was planning to frame him! "M-master wont believe you! She's gonna know it was you! Just like last time!"

"After that little stunt you just pulled?" Sangwoo let out a haughty chuckle.

"She saw what happened! ...She must have..."

"It's my word against yours." He shrugged and continued the ceremonious slaughter of fleece.

"..." Bum knew deep down he had stepped out of line today, but he had no reason to doubt your perception. You had nursed him back to health, dealt with his numerous weaknesses, and still loved him through it all. Sangwoo wouldn't come between you, not before and certainly not now. 'Master's smart. She must've known I didn't hit first.' "...I feel sorry for you."

"What was that?" Sangwoo's ears swiveled towards Bum.

"You think you're the one she's going to choose? I've known her much longer than you have. And I'm the one she shared her bed with." Sangwoo paused his destruction for a moment.

"I guess you're forgetting who she woke up with..." He smirked in Bum's direction. "Clearly she would rather share the shitty couch with me than sleep in her own bed with you." Sangwoo made his way into the kitchen, leaving Bum to doubt himself.

"W-wait! If you're right... then we're both in trouble!"

"Of course I'm right."

"Uhm... then... why don't we try and convince her to keep both of us?"

"Why would I help you? ...Ahh~!" He exclaimed in delight when he opened the cabinet containing their food bowls. "I have faith in her. Master has a gentle heart. She'd never abandon an injured orphan like me." He extended one of his bandaged arms. "She's much more likely to... dispose of the aggressive one." Sangwoo sneered and Bum narrowed his eyes. "Bum... do you think your beloved human is stupid?"

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