Beginning Again

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What their Pidge honestly made a lot of sense, yet the looks on the faces of the younger Keith and that Lance were looks which said they thought their Pidge was wrong. While Lance found it amusing seeing that Lance think their Pidge was female and didn't bother correcting him, he wasn't impressed with Lance's insistence that he was the one meant to rescue that Allura despite the fact Keith was the one who heard her voice.

Younger Keith, of course, pointed out the fact that Allura chose that Lance while their Keith looked on in sympathy. Something told Lance their Keith was also finally fed up with that Lance, though there was no telling how long he would, in fact, stay that way. There was no getting around both young men were in denial regarding the situation, but that Lance insisted Keith couldn't go if he didn't go.

Lance, of course, didn't trust that Lance not to twist the situation to his own advantage, yet something told him that Lance wouldn't let go of Allura. The possessiveness honestly disgusted him, yet the look on Veronica's face was full of a level of disappointment he'd never seen before, yet that Lance remained oblivious.

They finally decided their Pidge, the two Hunk and the older brother of that Pidge would, in fact, make the adjustments to one of their three seaters and Lance would go with them. Their Keith gave him a look of pity as they all got ready for taking off, yet that Lance had a rather smug look on his face. Worse, the entire time he heard that Lance complain that the plan wouldn't work.

Lance sat in the back with that Lance while Keith stirred the spacecraft up into the upper atmosphere. Lance pushed his mouth together as he felt the ship shake. "Hey. Is this thing actually made for space travel."

Lance found himself looking at that Lance who clung to his seat. One of his eyebrows went up. "Oh, this ship is made for space travel."

"Are you sure? Because our Pidge made adjustments to one of our spacecraft and it ended up blowing up."

Lance felt his mouth open, yet didn't know how to respond. Younger Keith glanced over his shoulder from the front seat. "Don't you remember? Their Pidge said the anomalies are affecting the space around the planet."

"I still don't believe you're hearing your voice, but the last time you didn't actually get the right anomaly."

Lance took a deep breath. "That would be because the anomalies were opening randomly and not staying open." In his mind, he wondered how things could have shifted so quickly from simply rescuing the crew of the Atlas to attempting to fix the rifts that they came through, yet Pidge made it quite clear that the anomalies would eventually have a negative effect on their universe if they didn't close.

"That one." Younger Keith said. Their Pidge made sure the younger Keith had a new helmet.

That Lance's eyes widened. "How the quiznack do you know?"

"I just do."

"This is why I said it's a load of bullocks!"

Lance took a deep breath before pushing his lips together in frustration. His hands gripped the edge of the seat. "Leave it to Pidge – any Pidge – to find an instant solution to any problem and getting us thrust deep into..."

He, of course, didn't finish the sentence as the ship began to shake as it entered the anomaly. Darkness surrounded them and that Lance cursed again. "Seriously! You don't know what you're doing. We're going to..."

It was then that a light appeared and the ship slowed down as if it were a ship sailing on water. Lance watched that Lance's eyes open up wide, but eventually, they saw a figure in the light. That Lance's eyes widened. "It's Allura."

Lance watched him begin to unbuckle and reach for the hatch so he could reach for her. "Wait. You shouldn't touch her."

"And what? Let Keith be the one to rescue her?"

The hatch disengaged, but Keith looked on almost frozen. Lance looked right at him while Allura started floating closer. "Keith. You're the one who is able to hear her voice."



Lance tried grabbing that Lance as he reached for Allura, but his hand grabbed hers before he could grab onto that Lance.

The ship lurched suddenly. Keith quickly moved and reached out for Allura and shoved her towards Lance as the space ship began spinning out of control. Lance quickly pulled the button to reengage the hatch while Keith shoved Allura towards that Lance and that Lance buckled in and held onto Allura. Keith attempted moving to buckle himself in, only for the movement of the ship to fling him against the side of the ship so that his head hit the hard surface.

Everything seemed like a blur as the ship started falling, but Lance felt jarred slightly when the ship crashed. A deep breath escaped his lips as he gripped onto anything nearby to steady himself.

"Allura. Allura, wake up."

His eyes turned towards that Allura. She indeed had dark skin like that Lance said, but her hair was white as snow. Lance's eyes didn't see her stir as that Lance called out to her. The radio crackled and their Pidge's voice was heard. "The anomalies stopped. Does that mean you guys saved their Allura?"

"We..." Lance turned his head towards the radio. What he saw made his throat tighten. His hands quickly reached for his seatbelt and he found himself moving to the front where the younger Keith now lay limp and lifeless. "Quiznack, no." When he lifted younger Keith into his arms Lance found he wasn't breathing, but Lance could barely feel a pulse. He pushed the button on the radio. "Yes, but we crashed. How long until we can get medical attention out here?"

"How long?" There came a pause. "We're stretched thin with what we're doing for the Atlas crew, but my scanners say you're at least half an hour away."

Lance pulled the young man close and let go of the button. The sound of that Lance's voice made him turn his head towards that Lance. "Allura, wake up. Why won't you wake up for me?"

"We have bigger issues!"

"Like what?"

"Keith is dying!" Lance watched a look of horror appear on that Lance's face. He thought there was some inkling of humility in the young man when Lance's attention returned to Allura.

"Come on Allura. Wake up for me already."

"Seriously! You're more concerned about the person who is simply unconscious and not the person who isn't breathing?"

"Allura has the ability to heal people." The comment from that Lance made Lance's jaw drop. Lance knew Allura was capable of some amazing things, yet that hadn't crossed his mind as a possibility. That Lance nudged that Allura, yet she didn't stir. "Come on. Wake up for Keith. If you don't wake up and heal him, he will die." That Lance's voice trembled. "Allura, I promise I'll do anything you want if you'll just wake up."

That Allura took a deep breath and her bright blue eyes opened up. Her head turned towards younger Keith, but she pushed herself up and maneuvered herself closer to the front seat despite the fact it was already crowded with Lance and younger Keith. He watched her begin to glow, but soon a breath of air sucked into younger Keith's lungs.

Lance glanced over at that Lance. Something told him that Lance would likely gloat over the situation, yet he also heard the words which made Allura wake up. "I promise I'll do anything you want if you'll just wake up."

"What you don't realize is she wants you to let her go. Can you really do that?"

Younger Keith's eyes opened. "The lions."

That Lance's eyes blinked. "What about them."

A sudden roar made Lance look up to see five robot lions flying above them yet all five were flying on their own. He took a deep breath hoping the future would turn out alright for the younger versions of them, yet he also knew there was still a lot to work through.

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