16. Young Fool

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I drove away far from the place
A map's with me, I draw some trace.
When I reached a dirt road,
The engine stopped
An hour later a car gave me a hop.
They told me I'm lucky they had passed by
I thanked them and asked for a town nearby.

Exactly it was their tour destination
They asked me to join for their directions.
Thinking it would be a great return for them
So I joined them and had an arrangement.
We reached the town safe at dawn
The car park and we're all drawn.

Rented an inn, altogether in one room
We all had fun and a lot to consume.
One of the guys has been
grabbing my attention
I only smile at him, I have no intention.
His name is Jejune, and as young as I am
But he looks childish and impishly handsome.

He always talks to me like
he wants to show
That I'm so lovely, and he likes me,
if I could allow.
I took a deep breath and
a gentle smile
"We just had known each other for just a while."
I said those words and he told me "goodnight"
He kissed the back of my palm
and slept behind.

We all slept together and
when the morning came
I felt the atmosphere changed,
yesterday's not the same.
My companions and I ride in the car
We continued the journey and reached far.
No one talks to me even the guy
I ignored it until we stopped by.

We entered a traditional cafe for lunch
They all sit in each tables
waiting for munch.
I noticed Jejune, am I having a bad dream?
Last night he likes me so much,
now he changed.
He's flirting to the other girl like she's special
I want to ask him but he might answer in denial.

I asked myself then
what might have happened
I felt anger, someone might had ruined.
Is it my outfit for today that he disliked?
My ego and feelings, like beaten by a spike.
There's no seat or space they left for me
So I went and sat on a corner hastily.

I made up my mind;
I'll stop in their journey
Even though I know it's too risky.
It's pretty obvious I'm now useless to them
No one notices me, even amusement.
I let them drop me inside of a forest
Where everything's gloomy,
Even the branches.

I moved carefully to another direction
And when it's safe enough,
run in trepidation.
I don't know how long I've been running
What's on my head was so terrorizing.
I don't even know where I was going
Will it be good or danger's arising?

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