Chapter 3-Not Dating?

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3rd POV
Natsumi manages to hand Hana a cup while Hana hands her a notebook. Like a frisbee caught by a dog Natsumi has it in her mouth. Carefully placing her cups down on her new desk she ignores the sound of a wall being destroyed (Thaw_Hearts: Subaru Killua fusion reject ❤).

Spacing out Natsumi eats her yogurt in peace until the boy from before begins to point at her as he has snacks laid out on his desk.

"Give me your yogurt."
"Give me your name."
"I'm stronger than you."
"I'm not fazed. Tell me your name or I won't give you one."
"Itona Horibe now give me one."
"No because you're being rude."
"Give me one or I'll hurt you."
"Do it or you can do me a big favor."

Whispering to each other everyone else looks at them confuse then watch as Itona nods then walks over to a clueless Karma. In a hush voice the two exchange cash and a journal. The journal being from Karma and the money from Itona.
"Here," Itona says casually placing the journal in her hand.

How many journals does she need? The class question sweatdropping.

"Thanks," Natsumi smiles handing Itona a yogurt as he gives her the book. He paused for a mere second then took the yogurt. Eating it in peace Natsumi skims through the journal in admiration then shuts it. Now back to the other journal Natsumi sighs serious yet clueless to the entire class. "If you're neglecting your job as a teacher you might as well leave Koro senpai."

"Did she just call him senpai?"

Watching the two 'brothers' fight Hana couldn't help but compare the two. In at the wrong time the two manage to smack Natsumi's yogurt on the ground. When she saw her homemade sweet thrown on the ground she looked up very slowly. The aura around her so dark that they couldn't help but flinch at the sight. Natsumi's entire figure suddenly casting an animalistic shadow with her eyes glowing the colors of the sun.

"You dropped my yogurt you son o-"

Koro sensei shuts her mouth instinctively but not a second later his tentacle was cut and that's when he knew he fudged up.

"I don't care how much she likes you anyone who stops me from eating will perish," Holding the designated weapon in hand Natsumi begins to slice at Koro sensei's 'arms' and Itona's hair with ease as if it were breathing (Thaw_Hearts:References all around).

"Hand her this," Hana whispers handing a yogurt cup shakily towards Karma who nods not bothered by it.
"Guess she was hungry," Nagisa sweatdrops as Natsumi's mood changes from angry to calm with Karma handing her a yogurt cup.

"I'm just sleepy that's all," Natsumi yawns stretching a bit for the sake of being awake.
"How come?" Nagisa questions.

"I burned so much energy yesterday with that practice run you know with Koro Senpai and Ito-Kun," She answers yawning once more then lightly smacks her face. "I still can't control my anger which is why I got put here in the first place. I simply can not control my emotions. This sucks so much." Anime crying she falls dramatically to the ground. "How am I ever going to be a good assassin if I can't handle emotions?"

"You'll figure it out somehow," Nagisa assures patting her back.
"Think so?" Natsumi questions wiping her tears with the sleeves of her red sweater.
"Yeah," he nods as she looks up at him.
"Teach me?" Natsumi questions causing him to sweatdrop.
"Uh maybe some other time. I'm kind of busy today," Nagisa questions.

"Really? I'm sure we can work something out. Are you going somewhere special or can I come over to your house?" Natsumi questions.
"Well no nowhere special," Nagisa smiles rubbing the back of his head.

"I .... just."

"It's complicated I get it I'll sneak in," Natsumi smiles giving a thumbs up. Conversating with him she doesn't notice a certain person sneak up behind her.
"Hey I brought you another journal," Itona says bopping her head with said journal.
"Thanks," Natsumi says shock as she's handed the journal. Flip open her eyebrows furrow in confusion with a nearly visible blush.

"This isn't the journal, but I like it," Natsumi says shutting the journal.
"It's my gift to you. Keep it," Itona replies mostly in a commanding tone.
"I'll keep it somewhere safe," Natsumi nods tucking the journal away in her black messenger bag. "My name is Natsumi Kuroko by the way."

"Won't be for long," Itona mumbles as she waves him goodbye. She runs over to interrupt Karma before he could even reach Yuki. The two get in a very bad arguement leaving everyone to sweatdrop. Impatient Itona stands back up from his seat and grabs Natsumi.
"Eat lunch with me," He demands.

"Manners Ito-Kun your supposed to say please," Natsumi huffs crossing her arms.

"Then no eating yogurt."
"Sit with me."
"Say please."
"There's no point of the word."
"There is if you want me to hang out with you."
"Fine then please."

"Okie," Natsumi close eye smiles taking her lunch out as she sits across from him. With a blank look he pulls her desk close to his then scoots her seat up with his tentacle hairs.

"Depends on what you have."


Hana POV
Are they on a date?

"Looks like it doesn't it?" Rio questions crossing her arms.
"Kind of romantic don't you think, Hana," Kaede questions elbowing me.
"I-I-It's not re-really a date," I stutter in realisation as I back away from the sudden group around my desk.
"We can always go on a date," Karma casually says placing an arm over my shoulders.
"Keep your distance from me. Your joke's not funny," I swat him away red.

Natsumi POV
"You've never gone on one?" I ask him shock. He shakes his head no. "We're definitely going on one right now come on," taking his hand in my own we ditch class to go on ferris rides. Luckily there's a fair today. Of course his caretaker came with us and we may have destroyed a few things but it was still fun to see him look both confused and amused.

"What did you think?" I ask on my walk home.
"I think you shouldn't smile," Itona states.
"Why not?" I ask raising a brow as I turn to face him.
"Because your smile is a disturbance," He answers as if obvious.

"Well sorry for having a bad smile. Hana taught me to smile so I thought it was decent enough," I huff crossing my arms now fully face up to him.

"It's not a bad smile. I just don't want anyone to see it," Itona admits.
Rolling my eyes I turn back to my trail home.

"You make no sense but I like your honesty Ito-Kun."

"I would like to go to the fair with you again," Itona confesses as we reach my stop.
"Sure but next time your paying and no destroying machines," I say as I unlock my house.
"You live alone?" He questions behind me.
"Yeah I take care of myself," I answer not bothering to look back.

"See ya tomorrow Ito-Kun."

I yawn then lock the door behind me.

~Next Day~

"Hey," Itona greets me.
"Oh hey Itona why are you here so early in the morning?" I ask him as I lock my door behind me and make sure it's lock.
"I'm walking you to school," Itona states as if it were obvious.
"No your not. Morning time is Hana's time with me," I reply mindlessly with a cold tone then shake my head in realization.

"I'm being to harsh again. I need to stop that."

I sigh about to apologize only to feel a weight on my head. "Make up for it by walking with me," Itona brings up.
"Fine let's go then," I sigh walking to the school.
"Why are you holding my hand?" He asks.
"Oh uh sorry I'm used to holding hands with Hana on our way to school. She's probably happy I made an effort to make a friend," I hum letting go of his hand.

"I didn't say you could let go of my hand," He points out with my hand back in intertwine with his.
"Your weird," I comment earning a shrug from him.

Hana POV
She left without me?

"Done talking to your boyfriend?" Rio questions earning a confuse look from Natsumi.
"I don't have one," Natsumi states matter of fact.
"Are you sure I mean he seems close to you," Megu smiles.
"Just my second friend," She shrugs.

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