Chapter 6:

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"Alright," said Liam. "Management has requested the first meeting. You'll be going into the studio with us and telling us what music you like and what you don't, why, and how you feel about our lewks. Then you'll go over our instagrams and twitters to see if we're relatable with The Teens™️."
I was a bit nervous for my first job, but I sucked it up. After all, the boys had gotten me into the best college prep school in Hollywood, hired a guy to take the SAT for me and photoshop my face onto the bodies of athletes so I could get into the ivy leagues, and my room was absolutely palatial. I figured I couldn't complain.
We all jumped in the limo and travelled to the studio, where a group of stone faced men were sitting outside of the recording booth. The tallest one said in a firm voice, "Sit, and listen."
So I did.
It was the most atrocious thing I've ever had to put my poor ears through.
Oh sure, I'm sure that the normies will like it. But it's way too mainstream music for me- after all, it was created after 1985. But they're totally auto tuned, and so catchy it's annoying! The real question is, how will I tell the boy I've grown to love?

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