Chapter 11:

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Since I didn't have a baby to take care of, I decided to go back to school. The Rich Bois™️ paid for me to go the best private school in California, and since they were all madly in love with me and couldn't bear to be apart, they all went with me.
As I strolled down the hallway, all the girls stared at me, jealous. A girl with dyed blonde hair in a cheerleading uniform strutted up to me.
"Welcome to West Palm High School, bitch." She smirked. "And, btw, totally gonna steal your boyfriend. Zayn loves me! Toodles!"
She grabbed Zayn by the shirt and shoved her tongue down his throat, and they started viciously making out right on the school lockers. I felt my eyes fill with tears. I ran straight out of the school as fast as I could.
Zayn followed me, yelling, "I'm sorry, baby! It meant nothing!!"
"Then why were you making out with that skank??" I shrieked.
"She kissed me!"
"You didn't have to make out with her!" I shouted back. Zayn's face filled with sorrow.
"I'm sorry for keeping this from you, Caroline. I've been meaning to tell you for as long as I've known you. I have a rare medical condition called cheateritis. When a girl kisses me, I physically cannot resist."
I burst into tears, overwhelmed with the guilt of blaming and doubting my sweet, sweet
Zayn. "Of course, that makes perfect sense," I sniffles out. "I knew you'd never hurt me on purpose!" And we ditched school, riding off into the sunset together.

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