Chapter 3:

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Zayn lead me into a gorgeous mansion. A stunning man stood in the doorway, with sparking emerald orbs and long, flowing dark hair that was prettier than mine.
"What's your name?" I asked quietly.
The man looked at me with fire fire in his eyes and anger in his expression. He stormed out of the room, disgust on his face.
"I'm sorry about him," said Zayn. "He is already the favorite, he doesn't want another girl drooling over him. I think he resents the management for insinuating he's not already majorly popular with the ladies."
"I respect that," I said.
"God," moaned Zayn. "You really aren't like other girls!"
"Damn straight."
"Let's go watch college football. I'm all about them USC Trojans." Zayn said happily, clearly expecting that I'm cool with the bros and know all about football.
"Ugh!" I gagged. " I hate the Trojans! Your boys totally suck. I'm a bears fan all the way. Besides, you're British! No wonder you know nothing about football!"
Zayn's smile lit up his face. "Let's go to the media room."
Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.

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