Chapter 1

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You sat in your room, on your bed, occasionally glancing at the boy sat on the floor across from you. He was your mother's friend's son. He was twiddling his thumbs, in deep thought. You however couldn't do anything without feeling awkward, your phone had ran out of power, but your charger was next to the boy, you didn't want to scare him, he seemed quite fragile.
5 minutes later and he was still staring at his hands, the only difference was that they were now still. This awkward silence had to be sorted.
You could still hear the discussion between your mother and his, then you shuffled in your place and finally gained courage. Leaning over to grab the wire, the boy looked at you. Your eyes locked for a second, until you quickly looked away. However he was still staring. It had been a good few seconds now. You decided to shake it off, as you continued to plug in your phone. You sat back on your bed and hugged your knees to your chest. The boy seemed to be back to his first position, looking down.
When your phone had charged enough to turn on, your screen lit up with your lock-screen, a photo of Pete Wentz. It was a cool photo, but for some reason, the boy looked at it and at you, which made you flush.
Then he spoke his first words to you;
"You like Fall out boy then?" He faintly smiled.
You couldn't speak for some reason so you only nodded.
"You can talk to me you know." He smiled more. He seemed to have more courage to talk.
"Says you, looking all sad on the floor." You replied, without thinking.
"Oh, sorry." He mumbled, and looked down again.
"No, no, no, I didn't mean it in a bad way, I just, never mind. Forget it." You whispered the last sentence.
"I won't, this is our first conversation, so we can start again." He said, laughing to himself.
"Ok." You spoke timidly, afraid you'd make the situation much worse. He looked up again, his eyes looking at you.
"Hi, my name is Remington Leith Kropp and I like Fall out boy, do you?"
He spoke, eyes looking happier now. This made you giggle.
"I-yes, I do, you know that." You said pointing to your phone.
"Okay, smarty pants." He chuckled.
"Okay, sorrrry Remontin?" You nervously said, was it Remotin? It sounded like that, or was it Remontan? I can't remember, oh damn!
He burst into rounds and rounds of small laughs. His sniffles mixed with laughs ended and he wiped his eyes, from tears of joy.
"My name is Remington, silly."
"Okay Remington silly." You joked.
He rolled his eyes.
"See there goes the smarty pants again." He said, not taking his eyes off yours. His eyes melted into your vision, but you, being you, made this into and uncomfortable situation, and you started to sweat and blush. More than blush, your face was turning red. Bright red.
These situations were the absolute worst.
"Is it hot in here? I can't tell." Remington glanced at the window, which ripped his gaze away from you.
"Yes, a bit." You lied, it wasn't, it was rather cold actually.
"K." And with that, he stood up abruptly and walked to the window and opened it.
Now the light caught his face and you could see his face more. You could tell he had a bit of eyeliner on, but it was smudged slightly due to the endless laughing you caused him earlier.
"Sorry about the bad start by the way, I was just feeling a bit sad, that's all." Remington announced.
"Oh, it's no biggie, but do you wanna talk about it?" You asked him, watching the open window fill the room with a breeze that fluffed his hair in all directions.
"Maybe... I wanna know your name first though." He turned to you and smirked, his eyebrows arching.
"Ok, my name is Ethel." You murmured, you didn't really favour your name.
"Lovely name by the way, but do you have like a middle and a second name or something Ethel?" He said, looking serious.
"Ethel Sarah Goodman." You told him.
"Lovely, Ethel, can I call you Ethy?"
"Sure, Ethy will do me." You beamed at him. All the people you know just call you Ethel or Eth.
"It's actually Etheldrah, but I don't like that..." you confessed, you never told people this unless they were extremely close to you, except this boy, who seemed to be intriguing you.
Chapter 1 done & dusted, hope ya like it!
(Photo used is not mine, no copyright infringement intended!)

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