Chapter 2

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Suddenly you heard your mother say;
"Come down Ethel!"
You looked at Remington, who had a smirk on his face.
"Okay!" You yelled back.
"Come." You whispered to him.
As you stood up, Remington followed you out to the hallway and down your cream carpeted stairs. He almost tripped when he hit the third top step. He grabbed onto your shoulder, since you were in-front, he was trying to save himself after all. You turned your head, and he let go abruptly.
"Sorry Ethy." He apologised.
"It's alright." You smiled, continuing down the steps.
"Hurry up Etheldrah!" Your mother screamed.
"I'M COMING." You yelled back.
"Geez, attitude." Remington said as he poked you.
When you opened the door to the living room, your mother had a look of fury on her face. You then remembered her friend is your head teacher.
"I heard that YOU, young lady, punched a girl, 2 years below you!! It's unacceptable." Your mother spoke, obviously angered.
What? No, this never happened, this must be messed up, I didn't do that, they must've got it wrong.
You could feel Remington's presence behind you. It was tense, even though you were laughing a minute or two ago.
"Erm..." you began.
"No! That's enough young lady, the poor girl had concussion and her nose was bleeding for a long time. She now has a broken nose and a minor fracture in the back of her skull, you're lucky she's alive, wait no, she is lucky. You are in deep deep trouble missy." She said, as your head teacher glared at you.
Last time you were in school, your head teacher smiled at you, opened doors for you, complimented you on your work, now she purely hated you.
"I-I.." you were interrupted,
"No more lies Etheldrah, it's final, you have no alibi since you were seen on the grounds next to the girl at the time. Everyone has said so anyway, and we all know Richard doesn't lie, not even for his brother." Your head teacher stated, looking smug that she knows all about it.
Richard, oh, he lied. I wasn't even near the girl when she was hurt. I remember being told it happened by Richard. He likes to gossip. He tells the truth though, except for this time.
"Remington, please give us a minute." Your head teacher said.
With that he left and trod up the stairs. You could hear the faint footsteps, gradually getting quieter as he reached your room.
You made your way closer to your mother.
"Mother, I was not there when it happened. Check security, I..."
"I have checked security." Interrupted the "know it all" of your head teacher.
"And?" You protested.
"And... you have been spotted at that time, but the security camera didn't reach the corner she was punched at. We trust the pupils and the whereabouts of you at that time." She said, now walking out.
"I have a meeting." She said, and with that, she left.
"Go to your room." Your mother commanded.
"Ok." You obeyed, as you trudged out of the room, ran upstairs and burst into your room.
It shocked you for a second that he was in there, you thought Remington had left with his mother, but he didn't. He was perched on the seat in the corner of your room.
"I didn't do it, I swear." You told him, slipping on to your bed to sit down.
"I believe you." He said, looking at you.
"Why?" You asked him, confused.
"Because my mother lies, I saw her look at the security cameras when I had to join her at work." He explained.
You could remember seeing a blonde boy trail after the head, you just thought he was a student teacher or something.
"And the girl it actually was, was my mother's boss' daughter. She couldn't tell her off or anything because her boss would probably not believe it and fire her." He said, bringing his legs up on to the chair with him.
"And who is the girl?" You asked, eager to know.
"Lucy Dawn."
This made you freeze.
"L-lucy Dawn?!" You said, out of surprise.
"Yeah, problem?" Remington asked, now confused.
Lucy Dawn was in your friendship group at school. The group consists of your best friend Dianne, your friend Sarah, your friend Imagon and Lucy Dawn.
"Oh, she's my friend, but she avoided me the day that the girl was hurt. She hasn't texted me since, it was only last Friday though." You explained.
"Much of a friend huh?" Remington shrugged.
"Meh, she was a bit mean at times, that's not my problem right now, I need to know why she did it, if the girl knows it was her, aaand I need to persuade my mother and your's to believe me." You said, quickly.
Remington looked at you with sadness.
You heard a notification go off on your phone, that was still plugged in. 58% it was on now.
It read:
Mother 👩‍👧: I'm not going to talk to you, you are being grounded, your phone will be taken off you tonight, and you won't be able to see your friends. You will have to stay here when you are meant to do your music lesson, and no using your laptop either. Think about what you did wrong.
"No way." You breathed, clasping your hair.
"What?!" Remington asked, getting up off his chair and making his way to you.
"Read this." You prompted him.
With that, he carefully took your phone from your grasp and read it.
"You know, I don't think she knows you're here." You whispered, so she wouldn't hear.
"I know right, my mother thinks I've left to stay at Sebastian's place tonight." He whispered back.
"And Sebastian is?" You asked, confused.
"My brother, he's older than me, reason why he has his own place, I was thinking of going there tonight anyway." He sighed.
He seemed sad again, like earlier, I needed to know what it was, but if it was private, that was totally fine, I didn't need to know if it was.
"Cool, I wish I had siblings, all my friends do and I just get bored when I have no one here to do anything with." You told him.
"You're gonna be even more bored being stuck in here by yourself, no laptops or phones, no music lessons, and no friends." He said, shrugging casually.
"Oh." You realised the consequences of being Grounded.
"You can escape with me to Seb's place, he has a spare room." Remington explained.
"Okay, yeah, I can't deal with my mother, and when my dad gets back, oh geez he's gonna be flaming." You said, walking over to your wardrobe.
"Would it be okay with your brother if I came?" You asked.
"He's cool with it." He smiled, showing you the text Sebastian sent.
"Should I pack?" You question him.
"Well, if you don't wanna wear stinking clothes for days on end, then I suggest you do." Remington laughed, imagining you complaining about smelling bad.
"Okay." You replied, opening the door of the wardrobe. Scanning through your selection, you brought out a Panic! At the disco shirt, a Fall Out Boy shirt, a Bring Me The Horizon shirt, a Nirvana shirt, a plain black crop tee with crosses on the little pocket, a mustard jumper, another black shirt that said 'Twenty Øne Pilots' on it in red and white writing.
This was your favourite shirt. You decided to leave the neon green running shirt your mother had purchased you, in hope you would use it to run. Your mother believed you were 'not fit', but you did dance lessons 4 times a week, and PE classes in school were regular.
"Take this too." Remington said, picking out a black fake leather jacket. You didn't like the fact that leather was from animals, so you chose it to be fake.
"Okay." You agreed, taking it off him and slipping it over your bare arms.
You were currently wearing black ripped jeans and a white Falling In Reverse shirt. The outfit seemed to go well.
"Thanks." You smiled at him.
Remington was still searching through your closet, until he found a shirt that had Peppa Pig on it.
"What the Hell?" He laughed.
"It was my sister's shirt before she... never-mind." You trailed off. Remington didn't know the truth.
"I thought you had no siblings?" He asked, still searching through your clothes.
"Well, I did, but I don't anymore, she died when she was 6, due to cancer." You spoke, tears forming in your eyes.
"I'm so sorry." He said, stopping his search, and standing up straight to bring you in for a warm hug. You accepted it and enveloped your hands around his back.
He held it there for a while. It was a hug of many feelings. You just didn't realise at the time.
Your mood was even further down the sadness chart. You missed your sister more than anything, and would give absolutely everything to have her back. It just wouldn't work that way, or any way.
Sorry if this made you sad or something, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, it's rather a key one for this story.
Also, the photo at the top is not mine, not sure who took it, no copyright infringement intended!

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