Chapter 62

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A/N: Thank you all for being so patient with me. Life is crazy right now. My blood work is abnormal so I have to have it checked again in a few weeks and if my SED rate goes up I will have to have another CT scan to see if my cancer is coming back or anything. Then my X-rays for my back have gotten a bit worse so I also have more of those in a few weeks and if they aren't any better we will be talking about surgery. So yeah, stressful month for me haha


Louis wasn't sure what happened, but things slowly began to get tense around the house. Harry kept asking Louis to go on more of the tour with him. Louis told him he would think about it, but was thinking of staying home and doing his own thing.

Harry wouldn't let it go and Louis was beginning to grow annoyed with the lad. He loved how much they enjoyed being around each other, but lately, it seems as though Harry's clinging has become a bit stronger. He was constantly in Louis' space, always asking him questions about what he's doing or where he's going. It was all just getting under Louis' skin. He needed some time to just breathe and that's why he wasn't sure he wanted to go on tour with Harry right now.

"Hey, I didn't hear you get up," Harry said, wandering into the living room.

"Yeah, woke up early. Didn't want to wake you," Louis shrugged.

"What are you doing?" Harry asked, sitting beside Louis, his side pressed right up against him.

"Working on some lesson plans for the class."

"Cool," Harry said.

Louis continued to work but was getting a bit irritated with Harry sitting right next to him just watching. "I'll be done in a little bit. You don't have to sit here," Louis said.

"Eh, I'm fine. Wanna sit with you."

"I just really need to get this done. Why don't you go find something to do," Louis suggested.

"You're good. I'll be quiet."

Louis sighed. "I just need a bit of space to work."

Harry scooted over just a tad but continued to sit there. "Better?"

"No, I want you to leave the room," Louis snapped. "I want you out of my bubble for just a little bit. You're always right there and it's driving me crazy."

"Oh," Harry frowned. "I'm sorry."

Louis pinched the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath. "Just, go away for right now please."

Harry nodded, standing up and leaving the room. Louis felt bad for snapping at the lad, but he just needed some space. He took a moment to calm down before going back to work. He could hear Harry rummaging around upstairs but tuned it out. Shortly after Harry came down fully dressed and had a bag over his shoulder. "I'm going to visit my Mum for the night."

Louis looked up from his laptop. Harry was standing there looking at the ground. "Oh, come on Harry. You don't need to be like this. All I asked for was to work alone for a while."

"You're clearly irritated and said you wanted space. I'm giving you space. I'll text you at some point," He said, grabbing his keys and leaving the house before Louis could say anything else.

Louis stared at the door, waiting for Harry to walk back in, but he didn't. Maybe this was actually good. Just some time alone. Harry would text him later, he was almost sure of it. So he got back to work and enjoyed having the day to himself. He got a ton of lesson plans done, did some cleaning, made himself dinner, it was nice. Louis loved Harry and everything, but having some time alone again was relaxing.

He climbed into bed that night, a little sad at first that he didn't have someone to cuddle with, but then stretched himself out like a starfish and settled in. He waited for a bit for Harry to send him a goodnight text or something, but it never came. Louis frowned, but just put his phone on the side table. Harry would call him in the morning.

He didn't though. Louis woke up, made himself tea, and ate and waited, but his phone didn't ring. He bit his lip staring at the device. He finally picked it up and decided to call him. He clicked on Harry's contact, the phone ringing all of three times before he heard his voicemail.

Louis furrowed his eyebrows. Harry ignored his call. Louis wasn't entirely sure what to make of that. Maybe he was busy and couldn't talk. That must be it. Louis went back upstairs and took a shower. Once he was cleaned and dressed, Louis tried calling Harry again. Once again, it rang a couple of times before going to voicemail.

This went on for a few hours. Louis would wait a bit before calling, only to be sent to voicemail. When mid-afternoon came around, the phone no longer rang, it went straight to voicemail. The phone was turned off.

Louis frowned. Was Harry ignoring him? Surely he wasn't that mad about any of this, right?

I hope everything is okay. I'm really sorry about yesterday. I love you Harry, please come home

Louis sent the text before making sure his volume was turned up all the way. He didn't want to miss a call or text. The house was quiet without Harry around. Louis realizes that maybe he should've just talked to Harry about him being clingy. He just wanted Harry to do his own thing for a little bit. He didn't want him gone.

He stayed up late, waiting to hear from him. His eyes grew heavy and by two in the morning he had fallen asleep, not knowing what he was going to be waking up to.


A/N: Whatcha think is gonna happen?! 

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