Chapter 95

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The tour was approaching too quickly for either of the lads' liking. They were deciding all the things they wanted to do together before Harry had to pack up and leave for six months. Harry of course also casually mentions the perfect times for Louis to join them. Louis, of course, knew he would, but it was funny watching Harry try to be coy about it and gauge Louis' reaction.

Today was the day they planned to spend with Harry's Mum and sister. Louis knew they liked him, but he still got nervous whenever they saw them, hoping they still approve of him. Especially this time as he was going to tell them about how he is going to propose. He's hoping they'll be excited and okay with it.

"You almost ready?" Harry asked, knocking on the bathroom door.

Louis stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist before opening the door. "Just have to throw my clothes on."

"I don't know. I think I prefer you naked," Harry said, reaching out and yanking the towel off.

Louis squeaked, turning around and punching Harry's arm. Not hard of course. He would never hurt his Princess. "You dick. I'm not your sex toy," He laughed, picking the towel back up and covering himself.

Harry just laughed, falling back onto the bed and sitting crisscross. "I've told you how sexy you are right?"

Louis rolled his eyes, pulling clothes out of their new dresser. "What's up with you this morning?"

"I'm just happy, that's all," Harry shrugged, smiling. "Plus I'm hoping to get in your pants later."

"I'm telling you, you're only with me for my dick."

Harry laughed, watching as Louis got dressed. "It's a good dick, can you blame me?" Harry smiled at Louis while Louis fixed his hair. "You're okay right?"

Louis furrowed his eyebrows, giving his hair one last shake before grabbing his phone and such off the bedside table. "Yeah. Why?"

"I saw that people are still being kind of mean to you."

Louis sighed and nodded. He climbed on the bed, straddling Harry's waist. "Yeah, I'm good. Niall called afterward and chatted with me. It's kind of normal for me at this point."

"It shouldn't have to be though. I'm sorry about them. I don't know why they can't let us be happy. Cause I love you so much."

Louis smiled, pecking Harry's lips. "I love you too. Most are super nice too, so it's easy to block out a lot of the hate. I stole their precious Hazza, they're just upset they don't get a chance with you anymore. That or they're just homophobic and like I care what people think about my sexuality. Being gay means that I get to have you," He smiled, gently caressing Harry's cheek.

Harry leaned into Louis' touch, eyes closed and a small smile on his face. "I'm glad I get to have you too."

Louis kissed him one last time before standing up. "Now, shall we go visit with your family?"

Harry nodded, following Louis. Harry was excited. He loved his mother dearly and his sister has always been so supportive of him. He also enjoys getting to show off Louis to them and that they adore him as much as Harry does.

The ride didn't take too long thankfully. Harry kept making Louis laugh in the car by singing obnoxiously loud and bad. Louis still wasn't entirely sure why Harry was in a particularly good mood today, but he didn't mind. He loved seeing Harry this happy and silly.

"My baby," Anne cooed when they walked in.

"Hi Mum," Harry smiled, hugging her tightly.

"Oh Louis, come here," Anne said after her son finally released her.

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