Chapter 87

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"Remind me why we booked our flights at such stupid hours," Louis complained, dragging his feet through the airport.

"You'll live. And it's so we don't get swarmed or anything."

"Still, I hate this. Carry me."

Harry rolled his eyes, but squatted down anyway, letting Louis hop onto his back. Harry smiled as Louis wrapped his arms around Harry's neck and feet around his torso, resting his head on Harry's back. "Better?"

"Much. I love you."

Harry made sure Louis was secure before grabbing a suitcase in both hands and continuing to find their gate. "I probably look ridiculous ya know?" Harry laughed.

"I'm sure you do. You're so strong. I can feel your muscles flex. It's hot," Louis commented.

"I'm glad my body pleases you," Harry replied.

"Oh it does, very much," Louis whispered, kissing the back on Harry's neck causing goosebumps to rise.

"Don't start with me."

Louis just laughed and went back to snuggling into Harry. Once Harry finally found their gate he dropped Louis down into a chair before sitting beside him. They both sat quietly while they waited to board. Harry having to pull Louis to his feet when it was time.

Louis slept the entire plane ride while Harry watched some movies. "I'll call for an uber if you wanna watch for our bags?" Harry offered as they got off the plane.

"I don't think that's going to be a problem," Louis sighed as they got on the escalator, pointing down.

Harry turned his head and laughed as he saw the lads standing there. Liam and Zayn looked like they were pretending they don't know Niall who was standing there with a giant sign that said 'Welcome Home My Beautiful Boyfriends.'

As they walked closer Niall started running towards them. "I've missed you guys!" He yelled, wrapping an arm around each of them. "My precious ship. My babies."

"We missed you too Niall," Louis laughed.

"Hey guys, you have fun?" Liam asked.

They started making their way towards baggage claim, Niall continuing to hold onto Louis. Harry was trying not to smack Niall. "It was a lot of fun. It was nice to get away for a little bit," Harry answered.

"You guys enjoying your time off too?" Louis asked, wrapping an arm around Niall who wasn't letting go.

"Yeah. I actually came up with a couple of lyrics," Zayn laughed.

"I've been working on some guitar stuff," Niall commented. "Leave it to us to work during our time off."

"We saw your sisters yesterday," Liam added.

"Mine?" Louis questioned.

"Yeah, we knew we wanted to meet you at the airport so we got together and Lottie had been messaging me so we and visited. I hope that's okay," Liam asked, now a little worried he overstepped a boundary.

"That's totally fine, don't worry. I'm glad you're all getting along," Louis smiled.

"They had some fun stories," Zayn laughed.

"Of course they did."

"Can I stay with you guys tonight?" Niall asked.

Harry shook his head no at Louis who just rolled his eyes. "You guys can all stay over if you want."

Harry sighed and Louis just smiled over at him and mouthed 'I love you.' The boys found their luggage and made their way out to the car. Niall insisting on sitting between Louis and Harry in the back seat. Harry was growing quite anxious. He knows he's had Louis' undivided attention for a while now, but still. He was feeling clingy and Niall was getting in the way. So he couldn't help but pout.

Louis could tell Harry was upset but chose to let him calm down on his own for right now. He talked with the other lads, agreeing on picking up some pizza for dinner. He went in to collect it, letting the others stay in the car so they didn't get stuck in there if fans spotted them.

Harry was still in a mood when they got home. He went upstairs and decided to unpack while the others ate dinner. Louis got out some pillows and blankets for the lads as it got later. He felt bad as Harry has been locked away the whole time.

He said goodnight, telling them to make themselves at home. He warned Niall not to come barging in their room in the morning, knowing the lad probably would. He got some pizza for Harry and made his way to their room. "Haz?" Louis asked, stepping in.

Harry had unpacked both of their things and was curled up in bed already in pajamas. "Hmm?"

"I brought you up some pizza. Sit up and eat please."

Harry rolled over, pushing himself up and taking the plate from Louis. "Thank you."

Louis changed as well before climbing into bed next to Harry. "You going to tell me why you're in such a mood?"

Harry shrugged as he picked at his pizza. "I don't know."

"I'm not mad at you or anything and I won't be mad at you for whatever the reason is."

"It's so stupid though," Harry said, now realizing how truly stupid it is, wiping at his eyes.

"Hey, no it's okay. Just talk to me."

"I just, I don't want to share you. I know it sounds stupid and clingy and selfish. I love Niall and all, but I wanted to hold your hand at the airport, but he was hanging onto you. I wanted to sit with you in the car, but he wanted to sit in the middle. I just, you're mine," Harry said, tears gently falling.

Louis' heart broke for the younger boy, seeing how upset he was. "Harry, it's okay. I don't mind. It's just how you are. We are together a lot now and we're getting more serious as time passes and you've already explained to me your fears. I'm not going anywhere I promise. And I love Niall too, but if you wanted to be with me I'll tell him to fuck off," Louis laughed. "Whatever you need. I was just trying to make Niall happy too. But your happiness comes first to me. Okay?"

Harry hugged Louis tightly, Louis pulling him close. "I love you so much. I'm sorry."

"No need to apologize. Just talk to me okay. I felt so bad that you were left out."

"I will, I promise."

"Good. I like it when you talk to me," Louis smiled, leaning back and kissing Harry.

"I'm really tired."

"Me too. Let's get some rest. We can kick them out early tomorrow and start looking online at some houses. How does that sound?"

"Sounds pretty good. I suppose they can stay till lunch though. I'll be nice."

"Whatever you want. Now come here and let me hold you," Louis said laying down.

Harry cuddled up close to Louis, sighing in content as he closed his eyes. He was really in love with the boy. 

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