Winter Break.

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hi i wrote this for shits and giggles a few years back and never published it! what an idiot i am, amirite. anyways excuse me for any improper grammar or wrong punctuation and whatnot. i was never good at writing stuff tbh. anyways enjoy whatever tf this is ig

✧・゚ *✧・゚♡* ~ *♡・゚✧* ・゚✧

                      It was a chilly morning when John Egbert woke up. He had been awaiting this day for a very long time. It was the first day back to school after the long Winter Break! And who else to greet him when he first leaves his house other than Ty Ellis himself! (More popularly known as the one and only Minecraft YouTuber, DeadloxMC). John and Ty were great friends and all, but the only problem was that Ty had a crush on John... and yet John is totally unaware about it! (What a Doofus). They walked and talked their way to the Bus Stop.

When the bus arrived it was packed. You could barely get on! They both shrugged it off and stood in-between the mass of people. They spent the ride laughing at John's terrible jokes and caught up with each other about what happened over break. It was never a dull moment when John was with Ty. Ty noticed that John was staring at him for an uncomfortably long time. "You alright, man?" He asked as John snapped out of his trance. "Yeah I'm alright! Haha don't worry about it." Ty smiled, knowing his friend was alright.

They arrived at their school and chatted before having to part ways. They'd be back with each other before they knew it, but it was still tough. They both liked each other a lot and couldn't stand being apart for too long. That's why during their winter break it was hard on both of them.

✧・゚ *✧・゚♡* ~ *♡・゚✧* ・゚✧

this is all i managed to write before absolutely dying (twice) so enjoy that snippet i guess
i'll update this whenever i feel like it ig? idk enjoy whatever this is supposed to be

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2020 ⏰

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Winter's Sweet Kiss - A John Egbert x DeadloxMC FanficWhere stories live. Discover now