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Ariella's Point of View

Walking to Chris' house was quite short, it was just a 20 minute walk away from my house which is cool. I never actually knew he was in the same street as me but eh, it's just a coincidence I guess.

As we step in front of Chris' front porch, I turn to him and bite my bottom lip, to say the least I was terrified. 

"What if your parents don't like me..?" I whisper it because as I said, I was terrified, bloody terrified.

He gives me a reassuring smile and pats my back, "Hey, it's fine. I know they'll like you because hey, I just met you today and I already like you."

That gave me a small smile plastered of my face and I push him playfully and laugh softly.

"Gee thanks Chris, you really know how to boost my confidence up." He laughs and opens the front door that is the entrance of his house. 

"Mom! Dad! I'm back home, I want you to meet somebody!" He then closes the front door as I scan around his house, it was nicer than house that's for sure, like his house was like some kind of mansion but has a homey feeling into it, I don't even know if that really much made sense but eh.

As I turn to Chris, he was then walking to his parents and hugs them as they hug him back. I slowly walk from behind and all of their attention was now set on me, "Uh Hi.. I'm Ariella. Nice to meet you." As I said that, Chris' parents smile and engulfs me in a hug, a very tight hug. "Oh it's so nice to meet you, are you Chris' Girlfriend? Chris, why didn't you tell us you had such a beautiful girlfriend, young man tell me all about-" I cut them off with a quiet yet nervous laugh. "Uh.. Chris' mom and dad.. We're not dating.." 

That's when they had shut their mouths and stared at me with wide eyes, "Oh, I'm so sorry dear, It's just that Chris here never brings girls home unless they're someone special." 

Soon a blush tint slowly crept on to my cheeks. "Moooooommm." Chris' groaned and face-palmed. I giggled slightly, "Mom and Dad, I have a question, well not really.. More like a favour but uh, can Ariella come to my audition for The Voice later..?"

Then again a huge smile comes on both of their faces as the nod, "Yes! Yes! Of course!" Chris smiles and looks at me, giving me a thumbs up as I smile back. "Well, We're going upstairs just to hangout okay? Love you guys." 

And as he said that, he walks to me, takes my hand and pulls me up the stairs being behind him. He then stands in front of a door, I guess that means it's his room. He opens the door and steps in the room, he turns to me and smiles. "Welcome to my lovely room, as you can see it's very messy but this is the cleanest I can do." I laugh and nod, he sits on his bed, getting all comfortable and all that, as I sit on the edge of his bed. 

He chuckles and pats the empty space beside him, "No, no, no, come on Ariella, sit beside me so we can share each other's darkest secrets." A blush then creeps on my cheeks as I nod and slowly and carefully sit beside him, he laughs and wraps his arm around my shoulder, "So dear Ariella, would you like to have a singing contest with me now, in this very room?" I laugh, quite loudly if I do say so myself and nod, "Sure thing, but I'll lose since you're great at singing." 

He cheekily smiles, "You haven't even heard me sing." I blush even more and hit him lightly on the chest. "Jerk." He chuckles and shrugs, "You go sing first then." I was about to say no but the pushes me off the bed and smiles, "Go perform for me Miss Ariella." 

I glare at him as I stand in front of his bed, "I hate you." He smiles and shakes his head like he was saying no, "No you don't." I playfully rolled my eyes and thought of a song I could sing, as I finally thought of one, I took a deep breath and started singing;

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2014 ⏰

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