16: The Kiss

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Art: Untitled by Aaron Westerberg

Water gurgled in a low muffled hum below my ear. Birds of no notable distinction tweeted in the distance. The ebb and flow of my bed rocked comfort through my body. My eyes flashed open but the abruptness of it only showed me a cloudy gray wall.

I sat up, rubbing at my eyes in an attempt to get the dreariness out of them. I looked at my surroundings and relief came over me. The furniture in my room was solid, the colors crisp. This wasn't a dream.

I started to get out of the bed but found my body was extremely sore and the pungent smell of too much perfume still lingering on my clothes was giving me a headache. This definitely wasn't a dream.

With slow movements, I stood up. I really couldn't keep wearing this stuff. I would have a headache all day but I didn't have any spare clothes. At least that was my first assumption.

I looked at the dresser in the corner of the room. Oh, Zuko's face was going to be amazing...

After changing, I started down the hall towards the helm. The whole way I couldn't help but keep rubbing my hands over my arms. The sleeves were so soft. I wouldn't mind wearing this more often.

When I got to the helm, I gave the door a short rapture although I already began to open the door.

"A Water Tribe fleet has been spotted in the east-"

"Good morning, Kida," Iroh greeted, smiling up at me from the table of breakfast foods placed in front of him.

Lieutenant Jee who had been speaking was abruptly cut off by Zuko shutting the scroll in his own hands and shoving it at the man. He and Jee stood near the helmsman who was at the controls, waiting for his course. Jee glared at Zuko until he spotted me at the door and straightened up as well.

I felt my chest ache. Was he really using what I told him yesterday to look for Aang?

I started to back out of the room again but Zuko spoke up, "What are you wearing?" His forced face of innocence had fallen away to become slack-jawed and wide-eyed. That was the very expression I'd been hoping to see but it felt bittersweet now.

I looked down at the red dress, smoothing my hand over the belt. "My clothes stink of so much perfume it was giving me a headache. I don't have anything else."

"Right, I just never thought-"

I cut him off, turning back towards the door. "Actually, I look silly. Maybe I should change."

"Why don't you eat first," Iroh called after me. I turned to look at the older man. He patted the spot beside him. It was almost impossible for me to say no to Iroh even if it felt like I'd suddenly lost my appetite. I sighed and stepped farther into the room to take the spot.

"Sir, you need to give a course," I heard Jee attempt to say quietly to Zuko.

I slid a look towards the prince. He was still staring. Only once his gaze met mine did he look away. "Um... North, keep going north for now."

My welling anger began to subside. I bit my lip to resist a smile and reached forward for some fruit, my appetite beginning to return as well.

Jee left and Zuko took another spot at the table. He kept throwing glances at me and I was trying not to laugh until he finally, sort of, spoke, "You, um- You're-"

"I think what my nephew is trying to say is that you look lovely," Iroh complimented me for Zuko.

I couldn't hide the smile on my face but I turned eyes to Iroh as I responded, "Thank you, Iroh." I picked at the hem of my long sleeve. "I suppose red isn't such a bad color." I slid another look in Zuko's direction.

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