Chp 1

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"Ouch!" she exclaimed when she bumped into someone in the cafe near the counter which made her spill her coffee.

"Shit! I am so sorry. God!" he took the tissues from the counter started patting her front frantically. After all he was the one who was looking at his phone while walking.

"excuse excuse me!" she spoke loudly to get his attention.

He looked at her with confusion in his eyes.

"its not me who have coffee spilled." she pointed out to his white stained shirt that he was wearing.

"crap" he mumbled. When he took a step she was able to have a better look at him although his face was half covered with black sun glass and red cap.

"sorry" he said to her sheepishly after realising what he did. It was so not a gentleman thing to do.

"its ok." she smiled at him reassuringly.

"i am really sorry. I wasn't looking where i was walking. Let me buy you the coffee."

"no no. That's ok. It happens with everyone every now and then." she tried to assure him.

"no please I insist." he turned towards the girl on the counter and ordered a coffee for her and for himself.

"thank you." she thanked him politely.

He turned towards her removed his glass and gave her one of his most charming smile.

She was cute he thought. Too gorgeous infact. She had a chocolate brown hair and crystal blue eyes. She was a bit tiny to his small frame, almost reaching to his shoulder. Wore a black jeans, shirt and blazer on it.

He was waiting for her to say something when he removed his glasses but he got nothing. As if she didn't had anything to say to him which was bit odd.

She was looking around and gave him sly glances.

"well.." he stated awkwardly.

"umm well?" she asked him. Didnt she recognized him. Maybe she is the shy one. He thought.

She saw a pen near his feet and went down to pick it up and gave it to him.

"so you want my autograph." it was more of a statement which got her confused.

"why would I want your autograph?" she asked him in dilemma.

"you don't?" he asked her with a surprise look on his face. "wait I know you want a selfie with me right?"

She was utterly confuse with event that happening in front of her and was glad that her coffee was finally ready.

"coffee! Thanks again for the coffee." with that she rushed off to last table in the cafe to complete her work.

He was shocked. No one has ever reacted this way towards him. He followed her where she was sitting and sat in front of her.

"you do know who am i right?" he asked her with frown.

She looked at him wide eyes. "huh am i suppose to?" she asked him with confusion.  she was looking at him hard, trying to recognise him. He did looked abit familiar.

"did we went to same school or university?"

He was utterly confused.
"does Josh Miller rings a bell?" he asked her. Maybe that would jog her memory. It was unlikely for her to not to remember. She have to know who he is. Everyone knows who he is.

"No i don't know any Josh Miller. I do know Josh Mendler but no Josh Miller" she told him.

He was looking at as if she have got 2 heads.

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