Chp 2

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"Why are you smiling like a bufoon and where is my coffee and what took you so long?" Wendy asked her brother as soon she saw him in the dinning area.

"i forgot." he simply stated still lost in his own thought. He kept the newspaper of his drawing in front of him and gave a slight laugh looking it.

"Ok spill the beans. Something definetly happened." His sister urged.

"Stop harrassing your little brother Wendy." Dakota said while the setting the table for breakfast.

"He not so little anymore Dakota. He is a big man, well enough to survive on his own." His dad, Blake butted in while reading newspaper.

"ok stop it you guys. Nothing is wrong with me Wendy. Mom, i am not a kid and Dad i am going to keep troubling you even if its the end of the world.

Now important question. How did you find my movie Long, Lost, Love?" Jeremy was looking around with hope in his eyes. He was observing all three of them carefully.

"It was an amazing movie. And people loved you." His mother said proudly.

"It was your first movie. You could have done better however it was way better then i ever expected from you." This time it was his sister who praised him.

After few seconds he looked at his dad.

"Fishing for compliments are we?" Blake asked him with a smile.

"No, i am asking for a genuine opinion."

"It was decent movie Jeremy. But your latest one is the best till date." His dad told me. Jeremy knows that his dad is the only one who gives him the most honest reviews. "Now tell us what is this about?"

"First tell me, you guys did got scared while watching The Graveyeard, right?" He asked them again hoping to the get the answer that he wanted to hear.

"Off course we did. Honestly i didnt thought you will ever be able to pull that off but you did." Wendy answered on behalf of everyone. "Why are you bushing us with this questions? Did someone slammed you?"

"No, she didnt exactly slammed me." he murmured which didnt exactly go unheard by his sister.

"So its a she. So who is this she. One of your crazy fan?" this time it was his mom who was fishing out for more information.

"Crazy sure. Fan definetly no. She didnt even recognize me." He gave them a sigh but with a slight smile which didnt go unnoticed by his dad.

"Thats interesting. So you finally found someone who doesnt kiss the feet you walk on. Its good to keep this kind of people around." His dad patted him on the shoulder with a approving look.

"come on dad. You are just saying this because you miss being famous like me." Jeremy teased his dad.

"No i dont and i still have got good amount of people who appreciate my work." he shrugged his shoulder casually.

"well, i would have been tonned more if you didnt left the industry." Jeremy stated with a pointed look on his face.

"I didnt, i am still very much in the industry but in different line of work."

"i know that and i am proud of you for that. But still, Its awsome to see people always gushing about you and lets not forget the interviews. i am sure you miss those kind if interviews. You hardly do one now."

"Thats because, i have got no personal scandals to be exposed in the world like you kids and for your information, and i only interact with the one's who helps me promote my work. And i do have one scheduled for today."

"wait, really? why didnt you tell me about it.  which channel?" Jeremy asked him.

"Its for newspaper. One of the journalist wanted to write an article about my past films and my upcoming project." Blake stated.

"Journalist?" he repeated.

"well you dont know who joirnalist is?" blake askdd him amusingly.

Jeremy let on the whole incident to them inturn making them laugh.

"God, i really got to meet her. Finally a girl who is not crazy about you." Wendy was laughing. "Too bad, you guys wont be meeting again."

"who said we won't. She is a god damn journalist. And i am sure that we will be passing paths sooner. I really have a feeling that i am going to meet her." Jeremy spoke with utmost confidence.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2019 ⏰

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