Chapter 5: Finding Her

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Rosé's Pov

It's been three days since Lisa was kidnapped by that Seulgi but we still didn't find their location and our hospital are full of patients today so we started to focus to our duty first before we continue to find Lisa. While I was checking some vital signs of the patient somone spoke behind me.. 

"Still confused and clueless about where to find Manoban??" When I faced the person it's wearing black cap, jeans, leather jacket, and face mask. It's strange that it's wearing all black from head to toe and I can say that she's a girl because of her voice. 

"Who are you? And w-hy did y-you know Lisa?" I ask then she remove the face mask but will I can't see her face that much because of the cap but I can clearly see the smirk in her mouth. 

"Seriously? You don't remember me? Even my voice??" She said, and I just realized that she remembered me of someone and I was thinking that she's Seulgi. 

"Your voice looks familiar." While I was thinking she lookup to me because her head is not facing me earlier, and that's when I saw her face.. 

"S-seulgi? W-hat--" And I guess I was right! Before I continue she cover my mouth and bring me to some private room

"Ssshh.. Listen to me.. Do you want to know where Lisa is? " she said

"Yes, where did you hide her?!" 

"Hey, I said listen to me first, can you?!" She looks irritated when she said that. 

"Fine.. Just tell me where she is..." I said, she take a deep breath before she speak.. 

"I will bring you to her.. But.. There's a one condition.." 

"W-what is it??"

"You can't bring ANY gadgets and you can't also bring any of your friends other people.. You just need to bring yourself." She said

"Wait.. You said it was just one condition but why'd you say two conditions? Are nuts or something??" I said

"What did you said? That I'm a nuts?? Are you kidding me?" She said while trying to calm herself then continue. "Okay fine, I can say that I have two conditions and if you can promise me that I'm going to bring you where Manoban is.."

"Okay I promise just bring me to Lisa." I said,  then I see that she smirked after I said that, and I have this weird feeling that she's planning something so I have to be careful this time. 

"Good! So let's go.. Wait I remember that I was hiding from the others.. Let's just see each other at the parking lot, ciao!"She said then left the room. 

After she left I quickly go to my office and change my attire, and then I call Jennie and Jisoo's number to tell what happened earlier.. Well sometimes we need to break some promises. 

"What?!" Jisoo on the other line said

"Just go here so we can talk clearly Jennie's already here.." I said then turn off the phone

"So, you already know where Lisa is?" Jennie said

"Not yet, *sigh* Seulgi said that she'll bring me to Lisa but she give me two conditions." Before she talk Jisoo went inside and faced me

"What are you saying earlier?" 

"As I was saying Seulgi gave me two conditions, she said I need to leave my phone here and don't tell or bring anyone." I said

"But why'd you tell this to us??" Jennie said

"Because I have a plan.. You guys need to trace us and tell this to the police to help me and Lisa." I said

"Sure but how we trace you if you don't have a phone?" Jisoo said

"No need to worry guys, cause I have a watch here.." I said while I raised my left hand where my wristwatch is. 

"Are you serious? A watch? How can--" Before Jennie continue I cut her off

"It's not just a watch, it is a device that you can track the person who's wearing it." I said

"Wow! What a genius!" They said amused while looking at my watch. 

"I need to go now that girl is waiting for me.. Don't forget what I said okay?" I said

"Okay, be careful." Jisoo said,  I nodded then left my office. After fifteen minutes I see Seulgi at the parking lot waiting from her car, then her face lit up when she saw me. 

"Finally! After so many years you're here!" She said. "Why so slow?!" She continued, and based on her look she looks irritated again. 

"Well I'm sorry! I just change my clothes okay?!" I said then crossed my arms and rolled my eyes

"I'm f*cking get that two eyes of you if you didn't stop rolling it, cause it's annoying!" She said,  what the?! 

"What?! I just rolled it one time but why you're so annoyed about it?! "

"Because it's really annoying! And you know what?? Just get in the f*cking car so we can move now!" She said. I really want to punch her face right now but I change my mind and I was trying to calm myself. 

"Stop cursing will you?!" I just said

"Why do you care?!" 

"I don't care anything about but it hurts my eardrums when your cursing!" I said

"You know what??" She ask again then open her car's door from the passenger seat then walk into me and I was surprised when she pulled and pushed me inside the car. Ouch! 

"Why the hell did you pushed me?!" I shouted when she get in the driver's seat. 

"Can you please shut up?! I'm going to drive here!" She said, so I don't have a choice but to shut my mouth. After that she started the engine and drive, there's a minutes of silence but I cut it off because my mouth can't take the silence anymore! 

"So where are we going?" I asked

"Seriously? Did I just said you to shut your mouth?" She said

"I just want to know.."

"You'll know when we reach it." 

"Can't you just tell it to me right now?" I said

"Can't you just shut your mouth for a little moment?? Because it's annoying! " She said so I just shut my mouth again. Then after I think 40 minutes we stopped. 

"We're here." She said then get off the car and I followed her outside, I look around and all a I can see is tall grasses and a old warehouse. 

"Is this where Lisa is?" I asked looking at the warehouse. 

"Yeah, now follow me.." She said so I followed her inside. When we went inside I realize that there's so many men that I think they're guarding the whole warehouse. 

"Oh? You're here?" Someone said from behind

"Yes! And do you know what's the good news that I have? I got her!" Seulgi said while facing the person who spoke from behind, and I was curious who it is because Seulgi smiling from ear to ear. So turn my body behind me and face the one who talks. 

"Very good Seulgi!" The person said and to my surprise I saw the person that I didn't expect to be part of this plan on kidnapping Lisa.. Is she? 





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