Chapter 2

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Adora and her mother ran around the house both laughing and giggling as the older witch chased her daughter trying to get her ready for the dinner they had with the Malfoy's but like always Adora ran away playing hide and seek. It took over 30 minutes to finally catch the young energetic girl without the use of magic and another hour before both where ready.

"Darling can you grab my robe please" Lilly spoke from the kitchen placing the baked goods they cooked earlier in their containers before placing it in the fridge grabbing 2 bottles of wine and a bottle Apple Sparkling juice for the kids

"Yes Ma" Adora yelled from upstairs putting her shoes on before running to her mothers room to grab her mothers robe

"Lip" Lilly said placing the lids on the containers summoning the small elf

"Yes miss Lilly"

"I need you to run some errands for me there is a list of things on the table for you and Emy to do can you see to it that they are completed with care" Lilly smiled as Adora handed her her robe leaning down to kiss her daughters head

"Of course miss Lilly " the elf grabbed the list from the table smiling nodding vigorously before disappearing

"Come on love we Wulfs are never late to a party"

"Only when we wish to make a an entrance" Adora replied back

"That's right baby girl " Lilly smiled as she grabbed the bottled grabbing her daughters hand in her free hand before disapparrating from the spot

They arrived at Malfoy manor knocking on the door waiting for a response and a moment later the door opened to reveal a middle aged lady with blonde and black hair it was out of the ordinary but it kind of suited the woman.

"Lilly it has been a while hasn't it" Narcissa spoke wrapping Lilly in a tight hug

"Indeed it has Narcissa i believe the last time was when Draco was born"

"Indeed dear, come on in dinner will be served soon " Narcissa moved out of the way slightly to allow mother and daughter to enter the home

At dinner

The Malfoys and Wulfs sat eating dinner making small talk, Lucius sat at the head of the table, Narcissa to his left while Draco sat on his right, Lilly and Adora sat on the other side of Narcissa as they ate

"Have you received your letter yet Adora" Lucius spoke up smiling politely at the young girl

"I have sir it came yesterday mum opened the letter and informed me" Adora spoke lightly and politely making sure to show her manners

"Very good tell me what house do you think you will be sorted into"

"If i consider the aspects of each house and what they represent i believe i would be in either Slytherin or perhaps Ravenclaw and a slight chance i may be put in Gryffindor i can not say for certain which. I however wish to be sorted into the house both my parents where from which is Slytherin"

"I see well you have certainly thought things through have you not"

"Yes i have sir considering my family name i have to take in all possibilities after all my family has had someone from each house in the past"

"Indeed so dear indeed so but i hope you will be sorted into Slytherin along with my son i think you would benefit from it" Lucius placed his knife and fork down on his plate grabbing the napkin to wipe any food from his mouth as he looked over at Adora

"We all benefit from something sir but we shall find out which house i truly belong to once school starts up"

"Enough talk about Hogwarts my dears Draco will you escort out young guest to the study and entertain her for a few minutes there is something important me and your father must discuss with Ms Wulf" Narcissa spoke up smiling kindly at her son as she spoke

"Of course mother" Draco smiled back placing his napkin on the table before getting up holding out a hand for Adora to take who was hesitant

"Go on dear why don't you check to see if there are any books you haven't read yet" Lilly placed a kiss on her daughter's head as she got up from the table

"Very well mother" Adora let out a slight sigh before taking Draco's offered had allowing the boy to escort her to their destination

Once the house elf's cleared everything away Lilly turned to Narcissa and Lucius who looked pale and conflicted about something, she knew them since they had attended Hogwarts together and knew when something wasn't right with both her friends.

"Spit it out already" Lilly said grabbing the wine glass from the table leaning back in her chair taking a serious tone

"We need your help" Lucius spoke first running a hand through his blonde locks

"Care to elaborate or are you going to make me guess Lulu" Lilly really didn't like it when people would beat around the bush so to speak

"You were never one to mess around Lilly" Narcissa sighed taking a long drink of the wine in her glass

"No and you have known me long enough to know i would help the both of you "

"The dark lord will raise again i have been tasked to do everything i can to ensure it happens and the first step has already been taken. There will be a time where Draco will not be safe even if Severus is watching over him and when that time comes we need protection for him. We would ask someone else if we could but we can not trust anyone else with his safety" Lucius looked down at the table getting straight to the point

"But that's not the only thing is it" Lilly knew there was something else they wanted from her

"We need you to rescue Bella" Narcissa gripped the end of her glass nearly shattering the things

" come again i don't think i heard you right did you say Bella as in Bellatrix your sister" Lilly stared at Narcissa not believing what she just heard

"Bella needs her family 10 years she has spent in that rotten hole of a prison the longer we wait for her return the more damage it will do to her sanity and when the dark lord rises again he will want his precious insane death eater and we all know he will get her if he is the one to rescue her he will make it worse for her"

"You can not be serious Cissa i get you want protection for Draco and he will have it but your sister is on a whole other level we are talking about breaking her out of the most secure prison there is and even then there is no guarantee that i could get past the Auror's stationed around the island."

Tension grew in the room knowing that Lilly was upset about what had been asked of her

"Please Lilly, Bella is the only one i have who hasn't left me and if this war comes knocking on our children's door's we will need her after all you know well how much power she holds" Narcissa spoke her voice slightly breaking as she was close to begging her long time friend

Closing her eyes Lilly placed her glass on the table keeping it safe as she was so close to breaking it, she stood up and begun pacing the room thinking over her options. She knew Narcissa was so close to the point of breaking down and she begged for her to save the only sister who did not turn her back on her but there was so much more at stake but she could never say no to Narcissa when she was like this.

"Fine i will save the insane witch but you will be making the necessary arrangements i need Lucius however you both will compensate me for doing this after all if things go wrong the ministry will be the least of our worries" Lilly slumped down on her giving in to what her friend was asking

"Anything you need, you shall have " Lucius spoke wrapping an arm around his wife who was holding back tears

"We can sort that out later for now i believe we have kids waiting for us "

With that the adults went to find their children

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