Chapter 1

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A/N  I just wanted to say before you begin reading that there will be grammar mistakes and all that because i am not that good at all but i still hope you enjoy this story. This story will slightly diverge from that of the original Harry Potter verse but will stay close to the story line as it can to fit my idea of the story. 

I do not own anything related to J.k. Rowling's Harry Potter except my own Original Characters in this story. 

All Comments are welcome 


There was once a species called shifters who could take on forms of any animal they pleased, they were proud and noble beings with who's magical abilities were both feared and envied. shifters lived peacefully amongst witch and wizard kind for hundreds of years, some thought of them as being pure bloods or half bloods but there were some who classed them as abominations and because of this they were killed of to the point of extinction.

 The species no longer existed and history of them long forgotten however if one looked closely they would see a baby who was the truly last of her kind.


"Adora honey come here" a middle aged women yelled out to her daughter form inside the house

"Coming mother"a young 11 year old yelled back

Adora had just finished re-potting one of the baby mandrakes in a new bigger pot so it could grow larger and more healthier before putting it down along the rows over other plants she grew in the small greenhouse her family had in the backyard when her mother called out to her. She ran inside making sure to take her boots off along with earmuffs and dragon hide gloves placing them in the spot where her gardening things went before walking into the kitchen where her mother stood letter in hand

"Hey ma what do you have in your hand" she said going to the sink to wash her hands free of the dirt

"Your letter to Hogwarts"

Adora let out a deep sigh knowing that attending a school could be dangerous especially one that is famous for its headmaster.

"Do i have to go ma" she said drying off her hands before sitting down at the table ready for dinner

"I wouldn't advise it but yes you have to go "

"What if they find out what then i'll be in danger and any friends i make if i make any at all "

"No one except myself and your father who is no longer here knew of your heritage darling so there is nothing to worry about"

"What about my tail i can't exactly hide that now can i and you know what" Adora sighed placing her head on the table looking at her mother who had a concerned look on her face

" keep it hidden under your uniform and place glamour charms around you, we both know even Merlin himself could not see through it when you cast it and for your other problem i have written to Dumbledore asking for an exception regarding it" her mother sat down next to her running a gently loving hand through her hair

Ever since she had first shifted when she was 6 adora had grown both a tail that was exactly like a cats, long, slick black and able to wrap around her waist along with a penis something that had bothered her much to her mother's amusement. Apparently girls of the shifter species grew the appendage as a preservation tactic when they first shifted so they could mate and impregnate women where men couldn't to carry on the line well according to an old book that adora had read that was. Her tail well she wasn't sure why it stayed with her in her human form because each shift she did there was no sign of the thing only the animals she changed to

"I think a skirt would be appropriate easier to hide my tail and easier if uhh you know" adora blushed at the thought of her penis embarrassed by such a thing,

"That wasn't what i was talking about darling i mean it's natural for that to happen but i mean having your own room away from the females in case something happened you'd be safe there"

Her mother really thought everything through knowing that it was only time before her daughter received her letter for hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, she had only wanted to make sure her baby was safe no matter what house she was in but comfortable as well. She herself wasn't a shifter but she had their blood long way down her family line laying dormant until adora came along who had to get it so she made sure to teach the girl everything she knew in hopes to give her a fighting chance in the cruel world

" oh, hey ma do you think i will make some friends who may accept me for me and not for something i am not" Adora whispers a few tears threatening to spill

Most her life she had been in isolation never playing with other kids her age never witnessing a true friend, longing to have someone to hold dear to her heart someone to trust but that never happened. She suddenly felt herself being pulled into a tight bear hug

"My beautiful baby i can't say for certain what will happen in the future but no matter what i am sure you will make a friend one who will stick by your side no matter what. Just be your charming self and remember i am always here i love you"

Smiling adora nodded into her mother's arms wrapping her own tiny arms around her

"Lip " her mother said

"Yes Miss Lilly " a little female elf appeared dressed in a pillow case dress decorated with flowers of different colours that the little creature requested

"Will you make us something to eat please and make sure adora's dress is ready for tomorrow evening we have dinner at the Malfoy's and i do not want anything to go amiss"

"Of course Miss Lilly" Lip said before disappearing into thin air with a soft pop

Later that night

Adora lay in her bed underneath her blankets staring up at the ceiling not able to sleep even though her body was exhausted her mind was running 1000 miles per hour thinking about hogwarts. She knew it was only a matter of time before she would receive her letter but just because she was expecting it didn't mean she wanted it, sure it would be good to get out and mingle with kids her own age but the fact was most children could be bullies and ignorant of what there was in the world. Eventually she fell asleep whether it was from the lack of sleep or that her mind was catching up with her body she didn't know.

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