Chapter 4

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It was night when they finally arrived at the station and in Getting off the train Adora straightened her tie checking to see if her robes had everything she needed and of course she had enhanced pockets in her robes thanks to her mother reminding her before hand considering she liked to pick random things up so it came in handy. She made sure while she was getting dressed in the girls bathroom to put her glamour charm, and a confundus charm in case someone actually saw her tail which was one thing she didn't want making sure it was well hidden and wrapped around her body.

The first years made their way to the castle via boat while the other much older students took their respectful transport there.  Adora had been put on a boat with Draco Crabbe and Goyle who couldn't seem to stop talking about the fact that one Harry potter the boy who lived. She listened on all throughout the ride and when they finally reached dry land she moved faster than anyone could tell to stand near hermione.

The walk up to the castle was a little longer than expected because many of the children where looking around in wonder never having been at Hogwarts ever while some others were a slow walker and as they neared the end of their walk Adora felt like someone was watching them so turning her head slowly up to the very top of the staircase she met the gaze of a certain witch dressed in green robes with her hat on her head. She was an older mid 40's 50's looking witch however adora noticed a slight flickering between images of the witch standing there and another slightly younger version,When their eyes met recognition filtered through the witches eyes before it went back to being stern and welcoming making adora think she imagined it.

"Welcome to Hogwarts. Now in a few moments you will pass through these doors and join your classmates, but before you can take your seats you must be sorted into your houses."

When the woman spoke it Adora felt like something inside of her was drawn towards the lady it was something she never felt before towards anyone yet here she was not able to tear her eyes away from the witch. She followed the group aimlessly into the great hall not really bothering to pay attention as she was caught up in her thoughts for however long that she didn't notice her name being called out and something pressing up against her legs

"Adora Wulf, Adora Wulf step forward" Mcgonagall spoke her voice above speaking level yet not exactly a yell

Adora looked down spotting an old spotted cat rubbing up against her leg like it was the most natural thing in the world to do, she bent down and pet it before whispering for it to return to its owner allowing her to step forward up onto the platform sitting down on the seat provided as a hat was lowered onto her head

"Ah what do we have here curious you are"

Adora let out a sigh knowing this would happen her mother had told her once what the process was going to be like and that she would only hear the hat speak until it called out a house

" where to put you i wonder, i always have had trouble placing your family"

"I don't mind where you put me so long as i benefit from it"

"Ah i see then perhaps ravenclaw would be the best place" the hat paused as if it was thinking

"No no that won't do let me see, brave, intelligent, kind, loyal and very ambitious. Very interesting"

"We wulf's often are" adora spoke smiling softly

"Yes indeed do you have a preference" the hat said

"Nope i don't it is up to you to place me i will not interfere with that"

"Very well then i believe i have made my choice"

"SLYTHERIN" the hat yelled causing loud cheers to abrupt

Smiling proudly adora stood up taking one last look at the woman next to her noticing there was no more flickering and there stood a younger version of the witch that stood there, shaking her head she held her head high as she made her way over to the slytherin table.

Once the feast started adora piled her plate high with chicken, salads, corn and sausages ignoring the curious looks she got from everyone

"Adora you know there is plenty of food right" Draco said looking at the girl next to him frowning slightly at the amount of food she had

"Yup and i am starved " adora grabbed the first piece of sausage and ate on on while a chicken leg was in her other hand

"You are just like weasley"

"We both know that's not true but when it comes to food yes"

Draco wasn't sure what else to say to adora considering they never really interacted much outside of dinners together so he just let he go and began eating his own food. 

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