Chapter 3

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Mother and daughter stood amongst many other parents and children saying their goodbyes for the first time. Adora had her arms wrapped around her mother smiling enjoying the warmth her mother presented her for the last time until the holiday's.

"Don't forget to write to me every chance you get, listen to your teachers you'd be surprised how much you'll learn and don't forget to make a friend" her mother lily said kissing the top of her head before stepping back smiling brightly

"I will write to you at the end of every week and once i have been placed into my house as for friends that may be difficult" Adora sighed taking a hold of the cage her owl tempest sat happily chewing on some raw meat one of her favourite things

"Take good care of yourself love and don't forget about the glamours " her mother whispered the last part knowing only Adora would be able to hear her

" yes mother i should find a compartment before they all fill up" Adora gave her mother one last hug before making her way into the train and to where her trunks had been put, sitting down after placing tempest up on the racks.

Slumping down into her seat Adora lay herself out stretching her whole body before sitting back up to allow others to sit if they so do please before grabbing a copy of the daily prophet from the inside of her robe pocket where she held many things and began reading it zoning out to the world around her.

Halfway into the train ride to Hogwarts Adora was pulled out of her reading when there was a knock on the carriage door. Adora put the paper she had been reading down as she turned her attention to find a girl standing there, hair full of brown beautiful unruly curls looking a little worried.

"Yes may i help you" She said smiling

"May i sit here" the girl said

"Please" Adora gestured for the girl to take a seat across from her


"You seem worried"

"Oh yeah i only just learned about magic when i received my letter i just i am excited "

"Really would you like to tell me about it" Adora said really interested in what the girl had to say

For 30 minutes Adora sat there listening to the girl speak so passionately about learning about a new world one that she didn't know existed and it was really fascinating to learn that she had already been practising the basic spells going as far to performing them perfectly. She smiling all throughout the conversation never once taking her attention from the girl it was refreshing to see someone so excited about something.

"I hate to interrupt but i think you should put the school robes on now we will be at Hogwarts soon" Adora spoke politely as she placed the daily prophet back into her robe pocket

"Ah yes thank-you" The girl stood up taking a step towards the entrance of the compartment before pausing momentarily

" i am Granger, Hermione Granger i apologise for taking your time up " Hermione smiled nodding her head slightly

"It's no problem it was nice hearing about the magical world from a muggle born witch and the names Wulf, Adora Wulf a pleasure to meet your acquaintance Hermione"

Adora watched a small blush came over the girls features before she made her exit rather hastily leaving her alone once again only this time she enjoyed staring out the window at the landscape.

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