Chapter 2 Image

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The group heads to Granny's with their Wish realm guest, Molly.

Observing her from a distance as she sits on a stool, Killian can't help but smile a bit thinking of himself  as a father.

Clearly his copy is a good father based on this child so far, and she is indeed a beautiful girl. He saw clear structures of her face that belonged to his bloodline and definitely the beauty of Regina.

She twiddled her sword between her fingers nervously, which he found amusing.

"Can she stay with us?" Regina asked Killian, "I don't see why not, considering we're the most familiar ones here to her, in a way," Killian shrugged.

"We can try and magically get word to her Wish Father Hook, saying she's okay," Regina said staring at the familiar curve of the young woman's mouth.

"Knowing me the man is probably beside himself with worry," Killian sighed.

"I wonder what happened to Wish Regina," Snow thought. "Well she clearly thinks it's her fault," Regina mused.

"What are you thinking love?" Killian asked. "I don't know why, but I have a feeling that my wish version sacrificed herself for Molly," Regina said.

"Why do you think that?" Emma asked. "Just I know that look of guilt, that feeling of if I didn't put myself or get in trouble, they wouldn't have died," Regina looks up to Killian.

He nods, as she was referring to their journey the recent months.
When the darkness swirled around Regina, Killian willingly took it, sacrificing for her. When the darkness consumed him, he had to be killed and sent them all the underworld.

Fortunately he was granted his life once more, but not everyone got that second chance. Regina remembered all too recently how much it hurt her to watch Killian sacrifice to the darkness and then to death and how the blame of herself consumed her.

This was a child, someone much younger than Regina, and with the similar emotions of Regina herself, she could only imagine how horrible Molly felt.

"You sure it's a good idea Regina?" Emma asked. "What do you mean?" Regina shrugs.

"Well if she's missing a version of you could it possibly make it harder if she gets attached to you?" Emma asked.

"I think what matters right now is a sixteen year old girl is missing her mother, and I think if it comforts her to be around a person similar, it can only help, and if I'm a type of her mother then I say I get to decide," Regina said.

Killian widened his eyes at the others as Regina huffed off towards Molly.
"I guess you can't fight even a visual mother instinct," Killian said.

"So if you're comfortable, you can come back to mine and Killian's house," Regina offered. "Really?" Molly's eyes brightened.

"Uhh I'll hold this for you," Killian offered to take her sword. "Uhh I guess since it'" Molly shrugged.

Killian nodded with a smile and Molly followed Regina out of the diner.
"Uhh it's this way," Regina pointed and Molly curiously looked around.

"Oh Papa..." Molly whipped around. Killian couldn't help feel warm, even though he knew she didn't really mean him.

"How can I tell him I'm alright so he doesn't go crazy?" Molly asked. "Uhh I have an idea actually," Killian smiled.

Killian led Regina and Molly to the shed and opened his sea chest.
"This will magically find him, and tell him a message," he held up the clear bottle. "Won't it just come to you too?" Regina asked.
"Yes but it will also go to him," Killian smiled.
"That's clever dear," Regina praises. "Happens from time to time," he smirked.

Molly smiled at them a moment, before the frown crossed her face. "Something wrong?" Regina asked.

"They were just like this, my Papa and my mum," Molly sighed. Regina looked to Killian a moment.
He unstopped the bottle, "ok just talk into this and mention Captain Hook," Killian said.

"Papa, It's Molly, I'm alright and with people that are .... familiar," Molly said into the opening, "I'll be home soon, try not to worry, Captain Hook." She said.
Killian nodded and plugged the top. "Now I just throw it in the sea, it will find him," he assured.

While the bottle did duplicate and come to Hook in Storybrooke, it did send a copy to his Wish version.

In Wish Realm

Killian was worried sick pacing the Jolly Roger as nightfall was fast approaching and Molly hadn't arrived.

He spots a bottle reflection in the water and is drawn to it. Lowering down to the shore, he grasps the bottle and pulls the cork.

Molly's soft voice echoes from it telling him she's alright.

It only mildly soothes the worried father, still having no idea where she is or whom she is with.

Meanwhile in Storybrooke

"You died?" Molly asked, as Killian told her the story of his death as the dark one and coming back to life.

"Indeed lass, and I'm more grateful now than ever," he said.
"Did he turn into a crocodile?" Molly asked. "No he didn't surprisingly," Regina explained.

"Do you like tea?" Regina asked. "Yes, Papa And I had tea," Molly told her. "We had tea parties on the ship," Molly informed.

"The Jolly Roger is a lovely place to host," Killian mused.
"Yes when I was little he would joke that the crew wasn't to know the notorious Captain Hook partook in fake cakes and tea," Molly said.

Killian smiled imagining the girl at a small age, and he could see himself saying just those words.

As the evening wore on, Regina made up a bed for Molly. "Figured you would like this room, it overlooks the water," Regina said.

Molly got settled and Regina sat next to the girl. "You know how to be a mum," Molly said.

"Yes Henry, it was just him and me for a long time," Regina said.

"I know I'm not her," Regina said. "You look like her and sound like her, different hair," Molly said.

"I'm sure more things are different and you can tell me about it while you're here," Regina said.

Regina gave the girl a soft loving smile, as she headed from the room shutting the light.

Killian awaited outside the room, "she's sweet, makes me think about things," he said.

"Think about what?" Regina asked. "Well, think about if we had a little Molly like our wish versions," he said. Regina smiled gently up at him.

"You're saying you want a baby?" She asked. "Why not? Seems we could be good at it," he said.

A/N- no she didn't take that potion like the show

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